Orchard Oriole at Blackwater NWR.

It’s that time of year when birds are hard to find. Most have finished raising young, so they’re less active, and there’s no migratory movement going on. I exxpect thing to pick up in a few weeks.

I’ve been hitting the usual places, with shortened days due to the heat. There’s a few finds here and there, but nothing really exciting.

I went to Blackwater again this morning, and it was an improvement. Still no egrets or sandpipers, but a few images are good enough to publish.

Sandy Point 510

Sandy Point 511

Dawn at Sandy Point.

Osprey 2018-42 Osprey 2018-41 Osprey 2018-40 Osprey 2018-39

Osprey 2018-44

Osprey young have not quite finished fledging.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-43 Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-42

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-44

Red Headed Woodpeckers are still quite active.

Great Blue Heron 2018-45

Only a few Great Blue herons were hanging around.

Orchard Oriole 2018-16 Orchard Oriole 2018-14 Orchard Oriole 2018-15

Orchard Oriole 2018-17

This female Orchard Oriole landed right near me.

Tree Swallow 2018-47

Barn Swallow 2018-13

Tree Swallows and Barn Swallows have finished nesting and are gathering in groups.

Least Tern 2018-4

Least Tern 2018-5

Least Terns are fishing at Terrapin.


Fox 106

This Fox was foraging at Blackwater.