Common Goldeneye at Thomas Point.

It’s been very cold here-low 2 digits, and freezing near shore, which cuts down on the numbers of water birds.

I’ve been to Thomas Point a few times, as it’s some distance out in the bay, and won’t freeze until it’s been very cold for a while.

In truth, there hasn’t been much to see, but it’s improving as it gets colder up North and those birds head South.

Today’s selection is the best it’s been in a while, and it may improve as the weather gets worse.

Crow 2017-8

Crow 2017-7

This Crow was near the entrance gate.



Tundra Swan 2017-88Tundra Swan 2017-87Tundra Swan 2017-86 Tundra Swan 2017-85

Tundra Swan 2017-89

Tundra Swans can be seen near the shore.

Lesser Scaup 2017-29

Lesser Scaup 2017-28

There are many Scaup at the point, now.

Blue Jay 2017-8

My friend has a nice feeding station in her back yard, and this Blue Jay was taking advantage.


Common Goldeneye 2017-40

This is a Common Goldeneye hen.

Bufflehead 2017-69

There’s almost always a few Buffleheads.

Ring Billed Gull 2017-6

There were many more Ring Billed Gulls than usual.