We’re due for a short period of foul weather, so I made the trek to Blackwater this morning to improve my chances of a good day.
It worked out OK. There’s still not a lot of birds, but the variety was good, and the weather was better than the reports suggested it would be.
I found more passerines than usual, but not much in the way of migrants.
The dock on Key Wallace Drive.
Blackwater Dawn.
I haven’t seen many Field Sparrows anywhere lately.
Common Yellowthroats will be migrating South soon.
I wanted just a little better light for this Green Heron.
I wasn’t quite ready for this Belted Kingfisher, who flew in as I walked by.
I turned just in time to catch this Double Crested Cormorant swallowing his catch.
This appears to be a Caspian Tern, and I don’t often see them at Blackwater.
Many Forster’s Terns are feeding at Blackwater.
Great Blue Herons are the dominant wader at the moment.
Bald Eagles are slightly more visible now.
I’ve only seen a few Blue Grosbeaks at Blackwater.
I walked right into this Delmarva Fox Squirrel, who wasn’t as skittish as some of his fellow squirrels.
Today’s bugs.