I’m having a little car trouble, so I’m staying close to home until I can get in to see my car guy., It’s working out OK, as it gives me a chance to explore nearby spots, and I’m finding a few birds and bugs.
I walked most of Greenbury Point yesterday and today, and got a few decent images and a bit of exercise.

Goldfinches are prolific at Greenbury Point.

This is a young Chipping Sparrow-I had to ask an expert.

The Cardinal always looks good in bright Sun with colorful foliage.

Carolina Wrens are much louder than their size would suggest.

I was surprised to see this Black Crowned Night Heron flying overhead.

Indigo Buntings seem to be around every year.

This Osprey has a nest right along the path.

You can hear Yellow Breasted Chats all over Greenbury Point, but they can be hard to photograph.

This Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is one of the few I’ve seen this year.

I haven’t looked up the name of this butterfly yet.

This one is a Spicebush Swallowtail.

This may be a Sleepy Orange.

This one is a Fritillary.

Another unknown butterfly.

It was good to see a lot of Monarchs.

Skippers are very common at this time of year.

I found this small Eastern Box Turtle yesterday.