Green Winged Teal at Bombay Hook NWR.

The promise of good weather made me take a chance on Bombay Hook, and it worked out OK. I didn’t see as many species as I wanted, but the light was good, and a few birds cooperated.

Killdeer 2017-1

This Killdeer seemed to be solo.

Bald Eagle 2017-57

Bald Eagle 2017-58

I found this juvenile Bald Eagle as I was leaving.

Northern Pintail 2017-19 Northern Pintail 2017-18 Northern Pintail 2017-17 Northern Pintail 2017-16 Northern Pintail 2017-15

Northern Pintail 2017-14

Northern Pintails are the most numerous species.

Northern Shoveler 2017-17


Northern Shoveler 2017-16

Northern Shovelers are plentiful as well.

Tundra Swan 2017-54

Many Tundra Swans seem to be staying for the Winter.

Black Duck 2017-4

There were quite a few Black Ducks.

Bufflehead 2017-47

Quite a few Buffleheads were foraging in the marsh.

Snow Goose 2017-16

Snow Goose 2017-14 Snow Goose 2017-13

Snow Goose 2017-15

Several thousand Snow Geese were sleeping in the marsh. 

Sandpiper 2017-1

These Dunlin (?) were just a bit too distant.


Red Winged Blackbird 2017-3 Red Winged Blackbird 2017-2

Red Winged Blackbird 2017-5

Red Winged Blackbird 2017-4

Red Winged Blackbirds were displaying everywhere.

Green Winged Teal 2017-3

I was hoping to find more Green Winged Teals than I did.