Artemesia treated me well yesterday, so back I went. I’m not sure why we aren’t getting better birds locally, but they’ll be here eventually.
The Blackpoll Warbler is a very late migrant, and a nice find. Artemesia is still getting a nice selection of birds. I also stopped at Buddy Attick again, but didn’t find much. I expect I’d do better if I were there earlier.

Views of Lake Artemesia.

This Northern Flicker was also at Buddy Attick.

Pied Billed Grebes were foraging in several areas.

I found this Dark Eyed Junco at Buddy Attick.

This great Blue Heron posed very nicely.

Cardinals look good in full sun.

Common Starlings look very good in the right light.

This Downy Woodpecker poosed in very nice light.

I often pass up Mockingbirds, but this one posed better than most.

I got a better look at the Buffleheads today.

Ruddy Ducks are still present in good numbers.

This is a female Red Bellied Woodpecker.

A large flock of Cedar Waxwings was feeding on berries.

This young Blackpoll Warbler is migrating quite late.