Glossy Ibis at Schoolhouse Pond.

I heard about an Ibis at Schoolhouse Pond yesterday, so Graeme and I took a chance and met there early this morning. We found them after about an hour, with the help of a fellow birder. It’s rare to find this bird so far from the coast in our area.

A few other birds cooperated, so it was quite a successful outing.

Schoolhouse Pond 5

Schoolhouse Pond.

Great Blue Heron 2016-59

This Great Blue Heron greeted us.

Mallard 2016-72

These Mallards were probably all born this year.

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-54

This Red Winged Blackbird seemed to be observing us.

Spotted Sandpiper 2016-2

We saw 2-3 Spotted Sandpipers.

Great Egret 2016-29

Great Egret 2016-28

This Great Egret found a fishing spot and stayed there for several hours.

Osprey 2016-89 Osprey 2016-88 Osprey 2016-87 Osprey 2016-86 Osprey 2016-83 Osprey 2016-82

Osprey 2016-81

We saw three Ospreys fishing.

Glossy Ibis 2016-7 Glossy Ibis 2016-6 Glossy Ibis 2016-5 Glossy Ibis 2016-4 Glossy Ibis 2016-3 Glossy Ibis 2016-2

Glossy Ibis 2016-1

Two Glossy Ibis were foraging in the pond.

Turtle 64

Turtle 65

These Turtles were enjoying the sunshine.

Painted Lady at Governor Bridge Natural Area.

I met Graeme early at Governor Bridge, and we found an injured Great Blue Heron right away. We managed to get it back to the car, but it was early and we couldn’t locate any help, so we released it. It didn’t seem to have a serious injury, so it may have a decent chance.

Other than that, it was deadly slow, with virtually no visible birds. We spent some time looking for bugs, with limited success.

Great Blue Heron 2016-57

This Great Blue Heron clearly couldn’t fly, so we covered its head with my shirt, and took it back to the car park.

Great Blue Heron 2016-58

We kept it in this bag while we tried to find help.

Flower 86

Flower 87

Today’s flowers.

Snail 22 Insect 779

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 40

Insect 778

Today’s bugs.

Painted Lady 5



Painted Lady 6

The Painted Lady is very attractive.

Northern Watersnake at Sandy Point.

Another so-so sunrise at Sandy Point was redeemed by a snake, high up on the beach who seemed to be dead. I wonder if a bird tried to eat him and dropped him there?

Terrapin and CBEC were both very slow, but the exercise was good for meSandy Point 265

Sandy Point 266

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Snowy Egret 2016-67

This Snowy Egret flew right at me.

Feather 2016-2

I found this egret feather at CBEC.

Caspian Tern 2016-10

This Caspian Tern didn’t stay long

Snake 8

I think the snake threw up this eel.

Snake 7

This Northern Water Snake, appeared to be dead, but slithered away quickly when I approached.

Red Admiral 4

I had to wait a while for this Red Admiral to open his wings.

Forster’s Tern at Terrapin Nature Park.

It was unusually dark at Sandy Point this morning, but I got a couple of usable shots.  There were many more gulls than usual.

Terrapin was very lively, with Egrets, Herons and Terns.

CBEC had a few good birds, but most were too distant for good images.

Sandy Point 262

Sandy Point 260

Sandy Point 259

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Osprey 2016-80

Osprey 2016-79

This Osprey has caught a large fish.


Great Egret 2016-24 Great Egret 2016-23 Great Egret 2016-22 Great Egret 2016-21 Great Egret 2016-20

Great Egret 2016-25

This Great Egret was fishing very near to me.

Green Heron 2016-43

Green Heron 2016-41

Green Heron 2016-42

This Green Heron landed in a dead tree about 20 feet from me.

Purple Martin 2016-78 Barn Swallow 2016-26

Barn Swallow 2016-25

Barn Swallows and Purple Martins appear to be staging for migration.

Forster's Tern 2016-7

Forster's Tern 2016-5 Forster's Tern 2016-6

Forster's Tern 2016-4

This Forster’s Tern was fishing in the marsh pond.