I met Graeme early at Governor Bridge, and we found an injured Great Blue Heron right away. We managed to get it back to the car, but it was early and we couldn’t locate any help, so we released it. It didn’t seem to have a serious injury, so it may have a decent chance.
Other than that, it was deadly slow, with virtually no visible birds. We spent some time looking for bugs, with limited success.
you did your best. ps – would you put a Like button on your blog? You can do that where you chose the email/print/etc options. It would make it easier to let you know that I do look at what you post.
I went through something similar with an osprey in distress in Washington DC last Sunday. It’s difficult enough to get ahold of a rescue/rehab person during the week, but on the weekends it is near impossible. The outcome was DC Animal Control took about 5 hours to get to the bird and has since been diagnosed with West Nile as of Tuesday was not doing well at all. Somehow it should be easier.
We had a happy outcome. A fisherman in the area reported seeing the bird fly off several hours later. He was probably just worn out from some earlier event.
An update to the rescue – happy ending – the osprey recovered and was released 2 weeks later. https://backcreekbirdbrain.wordpress.com/