Spotted Sandpiper at Wooton’s Landing

The sunny, blue skies were a nice change, but migrating birds were in short supply this morning. I walked the entire trail, including a lengthy stay on the lower part, but there just wasn’t much to see.

A quick look for bugs didn’t produce much either.

Wooton Sunrise 5

Sunrise at Wooton.

Muskrat 2

This Muskrat was swimming at Truxtun Park.

Canada Goose 108

Canada Goose goslings are appearing in many places.

Prothonotary Warbler 128 Prothonotary Warbler 137

Prothonotary Warbler 134 Prothonotary Warbler 133 Prothonotary Warbler 132 Prothonotary Warbler 131 Prothonotary Warbler 129

Prothonotary Warbler 135

I cant say it’s the same bird every time, but I’m getting very close looks at a Prothonotary Warbler near the boardwalk.

Great Blue Heron 302

Great Blue Heron 303

Great Blue Heron 304

This Great Blue Heron was fishing in the pond near the river.

Solitary Sandpiper 102

I’ve only seen a few Solitary Sandpipers at Wooton.

Fly 92 Ant 34

Dragonfly 42

Moth 200

Today’s bugs.