We’re finally getting some decent weather. I’ve lived in MD for nearly 40 years, and this has been the coldest and snowiest in a long time.
I started at Quiet Waters Park, but the coves were still iced up, so I went to Thomas Point next. Calm water and blue skies greeted me, and I found a Bald Eagle nest which I hope will provide some good photos this Spring.

Calm water and clearing skies at Thomas Point.

Ring Billed Gulls are very photogenic.

These are the first Common Mergansers I’ve seen at Thomas Point.

I believe this Bald Eagle nest is new. It’s likely to get much larger.

This Horned Grebe is molting into breeding plumage.

These Bald Eagles were fishing on the far side of the river, and took a break on this piece of ice.

Tundra Swans are still feeding in the coves.

There were fewer Buffleheads than usual.

The amount of white on the wings IDs this Greater Scaup.

I didn’t see the Redheads in this flock until I uploaded the images.

This Red Breasted Merganser flew by me right at the point.