Great Blue Heron at Jonas Green Park

After two days of snow and ice, I was ready to find some birds. I stopped at Sandy Point, Jonas Green and Possum Point, all to no significant avail. I don’t know where the ducks went.

I did find a few birds who took pity on me.

Jonas Green 14

Jonas Green Park. A small flock of Ruddy Ducks is in the foreground.

Robin 65

Look closely to find the one that’s different.

Great Blue Heron 264 Great Blue Heron 263

Great Blue Heron 265

I’ve never seen a Great Blue Heron perch on one of these pillars before.


Leucistic Ruddy Duck at Jonas Green Park

The weatherman called for rain and sleet this morning, but the Sun was still shining at 8:00, so I went to Jonas Green Park.

The ice was still thick on the ground, so I stayed mostly on the bridge, which was clear of ice. In truth, there wasn’t much to see but Ruddys and a few Canvasbacks and a Warbler who posed briefly. The leucistic Ruddy was a nice break in the monotony.

Jonas Green 13

The view from Jonas Green Park, looking NW on the Severn River.

Song Sparrow 126

This Song Sparrow was foraging on the ground.

Bufflehead 187

Buffleheads were also in the mix.

Lesser Scaup 192

There were a few Lesser Scaup on the river.

Yellow Rumped Warbler 201

Yellow Rumped Warbler 200

It’s been a while since I’ve seen a Yellow Rumped Warbler.

Ruddy Duck 98 Ruddy Duck 97

Ruddy Duck 99

Leucism /ˈljsɪzəm/[1] is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticle, but not the eyes.[2]Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in multiple types of pigment, not just melanin.



Lesser Scaup at Jonas Green Park

I was limited by the ice today. Just walking was a chore, but it was also melting quickly.

Thomas Point was closed due to icing, so I stopped at Possum Point and Jonas Green Park.  There wasn’t much variety at either spot, but I did find an unfortunate Scaup with a hook in his bill

Lesser Scaup 191

This Lesser Scaup was at Possum Point.

Canvasback 127

Canvasback 127

These Canvasbacks were in a large flock at Possum Point.


Common Goldeneye at Thomas Point

Yet another cold, gray morning with threatening skies. I took a quick run by Sandy Point, but nothing had changed-ice as far as I could see, and more photographers than birds.

Jonas Green was better, but there was more ice than yesterday, and fewer birds.  Nothing unusual to see.

By the time I got to Thomas Point, the snow had started, but the birds were more numerous and active and I got a few decent shots.

Sandy Point 10

Ice from shore to shore at Sandy Point.


Rock Dove 100

This Rock Dove was feeding at Jonas Green Park.

Lesser Scaup 189

A large flock of Scaup was resting at Thomas Point.

White Throated Sparrow 201

White Throated Sparrows were searching through the grass for seeds.

Tundra Swan 102

Tundra Swans usually stay in the cove, but the ice has forced them out to the bay.

Bufflehead 186

Buffleheads are still numerous in most places.

Canvasback 125

Canvasback 124

These Canvasbacks were in a large flock at Jonas Green

Common Goldeneye 151

I spotted this Common Goldeneye just as I was leaving the park.