Tufted Titmouse at Thomas Point

Ice, ice, ice!  I got to Sandy Point around 7:30 and saw ice as far as I could see. There was no open water in the half mile of beach I walked, a big change from the last few days. A few ducks flew overhead, probably looking for open water without success.

Jonas Green was better, with hundreds of ducks in the open water in the middle of the river.

Thomas Point was frozen to the east and west, and most of the ducks were well off shore, with a few flying around the pint occasionally. Tundra Swans and Bald Eagles made the trip worthwhile.

Bay Bridge 107

Jonas Green 10

Looking SE from Jonas Green Park. USNA in the background.

Bay Bridge 108

I was a little late for the best sunrise colors.


Thomas Point 4

Looking East from Thomas Point.

Tundra Swan 101

Tundra Swan 100

These Tundra Swans were swimming near the shore at Thomas Point. The water was thick with ice.

White Throated Sparrow 200

I nearly walked on this White Throated Sparrow who was so intent on feeding he ignored me.

Bald Eagle 388

Bald Eagle 389

Bald Eagles are very active now.

Canvasback 122

Canvasback 123

Redhead on the left, Canvasback on the right. These ducks are often confused at a distance.

Ruddy Duck 96


Ruddy Duck 95

This Ruddy Duck was frozen in the ice. A friend checked later and said he was gone.

Tufted Titmouse 200

I’ve never featured a Tufted Titmouse before. This one looked particularly glad to be feeding.