Northern Flicker at Governor Bridge Natural Area

The day started very cloudy, but there were enough patches of sunshine to get a few decent images. There were a few warblers around, but I wasn’t able to get any decent shots.
Bugs were more plentiful today.

Indigo Bunting 173

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Buntings did very well this year.

Scarlet Tanager

This Scarlet Tanager was a nice catch.

Flicker 82

Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker

This Northern Flicker landed very close to me.

Flicker 83Northern Flicker

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Buntings did very well this year.

Candystripe Leafhopper 105
Moth 95

Robber Fly 15

Caterpillar 174

Insect 621

Caterpillar 173

Caterpillar 175

Insect 620

Broad Headed Sharpshooter 28

Garden Spider 5

Spider 189

Today’s bugs,

Eastern Phoebe at Wooton’s Landing

Not quite as hot and humid as yesterday, but still no significant migrating birds.
I’m a little surprised to see no wading birds in the marshes at Wooton.
Bug hunting was unusually slow also.

Magnolia Warbler at Wooton’s Landing

It was another hot, humid day, and the winds haven’t changed, so I decided to give Wooton a try. There was plenty of activity, but not much in the way of new birds, and no wading birds at all. I did manage to get a look at some warblers, though.
Once again, it was too hot to spend much time with the bugs.

Northern Parula

Northern Parulas breed at Wooton.

Cedar Waxwing 148

Cedar Waxwing

This Cedar Waxwing is a juvenile.

Magnolia Warbler

Not a great shot of this Magnolia Warbler, but I haven’t seen one since Spring.



Flycatchers seem to be active everywhere I go.

Brown Thrasher

Brown Thrasher

I haven’t seen a Brown Thrasher in a while.

White Eyed Vireo

White Eyed Vireo

You can hear the song of the White Eyed Vireo in every corner of Wooton.

Spider 187

Spider 186

Spider 188

Broad Headed Sharpshooter 27

Insect 618

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Missing Migrants at Governor Bridge Natural Area

Still no significant number of migrants in the area. A few are being reported elsewhere, but we need a change in the weather to get the birds moving.
After finding a few birds, I found a few bugs also.

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Orioles are still hanging around.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbirds are still easy to find.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Blue Gray Gnatcatchers are feeding very actively.

Red Eyed Vireo

Red Eyed Vireos were feeding alongside the Gnatcatchers.

Spider 183

Insect 614

Insect 615

Insect 616

Cricket 5

Insect 617

Grasshopper 65

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Baltimore Oriole at Governor Bridge Natural Area

It was quite cloudy again, which was a shame because the orioles were present in numbers. I got a few dark shots, and found a few other birds, but still no migrants in numbers.
I then tried a new place (Davidsonville Park) for bugs, without much luck. That may have been because of last night’s heavy rain.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

Governor Bridge is consistently good for Yellow Billed Cuckoos/

Indigo Bunting

These Indigo Buntings are juveniles.

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

These Baltimore Orioles are first year birds.

Ailanthus Webworm Moth 10

Scorpionfly 8

Insect 611

Insect 612

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Prothonotary Warbler at Governor Bridge Natural Area

Still no large influx of migrants, but the forecast says we’ll see some by the end of the week.
It was even hotter and humider today, but I had a little better luck. A few birds were out early, including dozens of robins and catbirds.
The bugs are still plentiful, but I’m not seeing anything new.

Indigo Bunting

I saw several juvenile Indigo Buntings.

Cedar Waxwing

I’m seeing Cedar Waxwings more often.

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

I’m surprised at the number of Baltimore Orioles I’m seeing.

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroats are getting to be a common sight.

Prothonotary Warbler

I’ve seen Prothonotary Warblers in the big field quite often.

Click Beetle 5

Fly 75

Fly 76

Grasshopper 62

Fly 77

Ant 30

Arrow Shaped Micrathena 5

Cicada 105

Snout Beetle 3

Insect 610

Wasp 63

Grasshopper 63

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Common Yellowthroat at Governor Bridge Natural Area

Another gloomy morning which made photography very difficult. I managed a few shots before the dark clouds gave way to bright sun and high humidity that was most uncomfortable. A few migrants were around, but none that posed for me.
I got in some bug hunting, but quite early in the nasty heat.


Flycatchers are still easily found.

Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeak

This Blue Grosbeak was shot with a flash and very little ambient light.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

Yellow Billed Cuckoos are still in the area.

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat

This Common Yellowthroat is a female

Spider 180

Spider 179

Spider 178

Spider 177

Spider 176

Spider 175

Nursery Web Spider 101

Skipper 17

Insect 606

Insect 607

Insect 608

Insect 609

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.