Fox Sparrow at Terrapin Nature Park

With reports of Snowy Owls coming from all over Eastern Maryland, I decided to try Terrapin to see if I could get lucky. I didn’t find any Owls, but Eagles cooperated, and I saw my second Fox Sparrow, as well as numerous other birds.

Common Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye

First Common Goldeneye of the season.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

There were Bald Eagles everywhere!

Sharp-Shinned Hawk

Sharp-Shinned Hawk

This Sharp-Shinned Hawk was unusually cooperative as I took several pictures.

Ring Billed Gull

This Ring Billed Gull is the picture of contentment.

Red Tailed Hawk

Red Tailed Hawk

I found this Red Tailed Hawk at CBEC.


You have to love a bird who poses so well, like this Mockingbird.

Great Blue Heron

This Great Blue Heron was also at CBEC.

Fox Sparrow

Fox Sparrow

Fox Sparrows aren’t rare, but this is only my second.

Northern Flicker

The Northern Flicker is a handsome bird.

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing

A small flock of Cedar Waxwings was feeding near the beach.

Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal

These Northern Cardinals were in near perfect light.

Bluebird Range Map



I saw several large flocks of Bluebirds.

Brown Headed Nuthatch

You can almost always find Brown Headed Nuthatches in the pines at CBEC.

Barred Owl

CBEC has set up a camera to monitor this Barred Owl nest. They expect it to be occupied in February.