With reports of Snowy Owls coming from all over Eastern Maryland, I decided to try Terrapin to see if I could get lucky. I didn’t find any Owls, but Eagles cooperated, and I saw my second Fox Sparrow, as well as numerous other birds.
First Common Goldeneye of the season.
There were Bald Eagles everywhere!
This Sharp-Shinned Hawk was unusually cooperative as I took several pictures.
This Ring Billed Gull is the picture of contentment.
I found this Red Tailed Hawk at CBEC.
You have to love a bird who poses so well, like this Mockingbird.
This Great Blue Heron was also at CBEC.
Fox Sparrows aren’t rare, but this is only my second.
The Northern Flicker is a handsome bird.
A small flock of Cedar Waxwings was feeding near the beach.
These Northern Cardinals were in near perfect light.
Bluebird Range Map
I saw several large flocks of Bluebirds.
You can almost always find Brown Headed Nuthatches in the pines at CBEC.
CBEC has set up a camera to monitor this Barred Owl nest. They expect it to be occupied in February.