Osprey at Terrapin Nature Park

It looked like a promising morning despite the weatherman’s predictions of rain, so I headed for Terrapin, where I haven’t been lately. I was surprised to find that the Bay Bridge toll has been increased to $6.00, which was annoying.
I was also surprised to find two of the main paths at Terrapin blocked by downed trees. I assume they’ll fix that soon.
It was very humid, and buggy, and birds were in short supply. I watched the Terns fishing in the marsh pond for a while, then headed home early.


This young rabbit was almost totally unafraid.

Common Tern

Several Common Terns were fishing, but they didn’t often come close enough for a decent picture.


I watched this Osprey catch this large fish, then he flew by so closely that he didn’t quite fit in the frame.

Red Winged Blackbird

Red Winged Blackbird

This Red Winged Blackbird landed in a tree right next to me.