Winter Birding in Annapolis, MD

I’ve been very busy lately, which is good for my budget, bur not so good for the birding vocation. I managed to get out a couple of times, but I’m not getting a look at any great Winter birds, so I’m going to have to expand my search.
Today’s images are from the last couple of very slow days.

Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Duck

This Ruddy Duck is part of the small flock hanging out at the Possum Point boat ramp.

Black Backed Seagull

This Black Backed Seagull was flying past the marina.


This Mockingbird remained in place, overlooking the path, even as several people walked by.

White Throated Sparrow

White Throated Sparrows are easy to find, but they often disappear into thick brush, making a good photo difficult.


I had to do a bit of clambering to get even this close to this Bufflehead.

Cedar Waxwing

It seems to be easier to find Cedar Waxwings in the Winter.