It was a cold morning, but warmth and sunshine were promised, so I set out for Quiet Waters Park after a much needed trip to the grocery store. I’m trying not to resent these chores that keep me from birding.
The park was not as productive as previously, but I met a guy who steered me toward some possible spots, and told me where to find some Tundra Swans.

I was lucky to get this Flicker, who paused only briefly.

I only got one quick look at this bird. I’m working on an ID.

I’m used to seeing the Double Crested Cormorant on the bay, so it was a mild surprise to see one in the backwaters of the park.

This small flock of Ruddy Ducks seemed to be enjoying a quiet snooze.

This White Throated Sparrow seemed eager to pose.

This White Breasted Nuthatch disappeared into a hole in this dead tree.

Small flocks of Yellow Rumped Warblers are doing well in the park.

This non-breeding Common Loon is only the second I’ve seen.

These Tundra Swans were part of a small flock feeding in the shallows at Hillsmere beach.

I don’t know what the neck-stretching is all about.

This may be a display of some kind.