About Hugh


Red Breasted Merganser at Lake Artemesia.

Well, it’s my birthday and I treated myself to an easy trip to Lake Artemesia. The mergansers were a surprise-they look young and it makes me wonder if they were born around here.

I tracked down the Yellow Warbler’s nest, but the orioles remain elusive;easy to hear, hard to spot.

Lake Artemesia 23

Lake Artemesia 24

Lake Artemesia.

Green Heron 2016-22

Green Heron 2016-23

I’ve seen the Green Heron in this tree several times.

Yellow Warbler 2016-22

Yellow Warbler 2016-20 Yellow Warbler 2016-19 Yellow Warbler 2016-18

Yellow Warbler 2016-21

This Yellow Warbler was making many trips to feed his babies.

Robin 2016-9

This Robin posed nicely.

Wood Duck 2016-107

Wood Duck 2016-104 Wood Duck 2016-103 Wood Duck 2016-102 Wood Duck 2016-101 Wood Duck 2016-100 Wood Duck 2016-99 Wood Duck 2016-98 Wood Duck 2016-106

Wood Duck 2016-105

It was a Wood Duck kind of day.

Red Breasted Merganser 2016-12 Red Breasted Merganser 2016-11

Red Breasted Merganser 2016-13

These Red Breasted Merganser appear to be juveniles.


Ruby Throated Hummingbird at Patuxent NWR.

I tried Patuxent South this morning in hopes of a few different birds, but didn’t have much luck. I walked around both lakes, and heard a few birds, but couldn’t get them to pose.

I also topped at Patuxent North Tract, but could only find a couple of hummingbirds in the shade.


Patuxent South 1 Patuxent South 2


Goose Pond 1

Views of Patuxent South.

Indigo Bunting 2016-10

This Indigo Bunting was the best bird of the day.

Bluebird 2016-11

I haven’t seen many Bluebirds this year.

Osprey 2016-66

Osprey 2016-65

This Blackbird was protecting his nest from the Osprey.

Mallard 2016-63

A pair of Mallards flew the length of the lake.

Killdeer 2016-6

You can usually find a Killdeer at Patuxent.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-7 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-6 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-5 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-4

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-4

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-8

It’s tough to get a good Ruby Throated Hummingbird image in the shade.

Butterfly 29

Bee 217

Today’s bugs.


Yellow Warbler at Lake Artemesia.

I didn’t decide where to go this morning until I got in the car. I was thinking about repeating yesterday’s outing, but the lake was calling. I made the right call, for a change.

Wood Ducks are still escorting their chicks, Orioles are still elusive and the weather is holding well.

Lake Artemesia 20

Lake Artemesia.

Green Heron 2016-20

Green Heron 2016-21

I would have gotten closer to this Green Heron , but a jogger spooked him.

Osprey 2016-64

This Osprey was fishing, but had no luck while I was watching.

Mockingbird 2016-6

Mockingbird 2016-7

I liked this Mockingbird ‘s pose.

Mockingbird 2016-6

I liked this Mockingbird’s pose.

Barn Swallow 2016-19 Barn Swallow 2016-18 Barn Swallow 2016-17 Barn Swallow 2016-16 Barn Swallow 2016-15

Barn Swallow 2016-20

These Barn Swallows were gathering nesting material.

Tree Swallow 2016-56 - Copy

Tree Swallow 2016-57

Tree Swallows are constantly in the air at Artemesia.

Wood Duck 2016-94 Wood Duck 2016-93 Wood Duck 2016-92 Wood Duck 2016-96

Wood Duck 2016-95

Wood Ducks are doing very well, and becoming less shy.

Yellow Warbler 2016-14 Yellow Warbler 2016-13

Yellow Warbler 2016-17

Yellow Warbler 2016-16

I found this Yellow Warbler’s nest, but it’s deep in a bush and good images aren’t possible.

Flower 70

Spiderwort 2

Today’s flowers.

Barn Swallow at Schoolhouse Pond.

I went for the change-up today, and went to Schoolhouse Pond in Upper Marlboro, followed by a stop at Governor Bridge. It wasn’t a barn burner, but I found a few good birds.

I spent some time looking for insects, also, and it was good to see they are coming out.

Schoolhouse Pond.

Schoolhouse Pond.

Baltimore Oriole 2016-17

I couldn’t get any closer to this Baltimore Oriole.

Field Sparrow 2016-4

I don’t often see Field Sparrows at Governor Bridge.

Eastern Towhee 2016-7

This female Eastern Towhee greeted me at Governor Bridge.

Indigo Bunting 2016-9

I was glad see this Indigo Bunting.

Eastern Phoebe 2016-2

I’m not seeing as many Eastern Phoebes as in previous years.

House Sparrow 2016-1

This House Sparrow has found a dragonfly.

Barn Swallow 2016-14

Barn Swallow 2016-13 Barn Swallow 2016-12

Barn Swallow 2016-10

This Barn Swallow is gathering mud and grass for his nest.

Snail 18

This Snail was on a milkweed plant.

Fritillary 1 Ant 40 Insect 762 Bald Faced Hornet 7 Leatherwing 6 Milkweed Beetle 5 Ebony Jewelwing 4

Fritillary 2

This butterfly is a Fritillary.

Flower 69

Flower 68

Today’s flowers.

Baltimore Oriole at Lake Artemesia.

I talked to Graeme last night about Buddy Attick, and he said  there wasn’t much happening, so I went back to Artemesia this morning. It was a good choice.

There are still Wood Ducks with young, and a few more birds than previously showed themselves. The light was ideal, and I got a few decent images.

Lake Artemesia 18 Lake Artemesia 17

Lake Artemesia 19

Views of the lake.

Tree Swallow 2016-55

It’s rare to find a Tree Swallow in a tree.

Goldfinch 2016-8

A small flock of Goldfinches was roaming the island.

Mallard 2016-61

Mallard 2016-62

This Mallard was escorting her young.

Crow 2016-9

This Crow landed on top of the gazebo.

Northern Rough Winged Swallow 2016-2

Northern Rough Winged Swallow 2016-1

This is the first Northern Rough Winged Swallow I’ve seen at Artemesia this year.

Purple Martin 2016-54 Purple Martin 2016-53

Purple Martin 2016-55

Purple Martins were more active today.

Eastern Kingbird 2016-20

Eastern Kingbird 2016-21

A pair of Eastern Kingbirds are nesting at the lake.

Wood Duck 2016-89 Wood Duck 2016-88 Wood Duck 2016-87 Wood Duck 2016-86

Wood Duck 2016-90

Young Wood Ducks are growing rapidly.

Baltimore Oriole 2016-16

It’s easy to hear Baltimore Orioles at Artemesia, but hard to see them.

White Eyed Vireo at Greenbury Point.

I started at Sandy Point again, and the sunrise was totally blah.

I stopped briefly at Possum Point. but the construction is continuing and it’s closed.

Greenbury Point was fairly productive, but I missed some good birds also.

Great Crested Flycatcher 2016-8

Great Crested Flycatchers nest at Greenbury Point.

Green Heron 2016-19

I just caught this Green Heron as he flew over.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-2

This Ruby Throated Hummingbird was resting between feedings.

Chickadee 2016-19

I don”t see many Chickadees at Greenbury.

Osprey 2016-62

Osprey 2016-63

Ospreys nest and fish nearby.

Mallard 2016-60

Mallard 2016-58

Mallard 2016-59

This Mallard landed on the asphalt path and seemed to be lost.

Crow 2016-8

I’m not sure what this Crow is carrying.

Indigo Bunting 2016-7

Indigo Bunting 2016-8

Indigo Buntings seem to be around every year.

Goldfinch 2106-6

Goldfinch 2106-7

A small flock of Goldfinches was foraging among the grass.

White Eyed Vireo 2016-3

White Eyed Vireo 2016-2

White Eyed Vireos are often heard, but more difficult to see.

Flower 67 Daisy 1 Dragonfly 68 Cabbage White 8 Sulfur 2

Monarch 18

Today’s bugs and flowers.


Eastern Kingbird at Lake Artemesia.

After nearly getting bitten to death, I decided to stay away from the marsh and head back to Lake Artemesia.

The weather was certainly right, but I’m not seeing much variety. In previous years there have been egrets, swans, more passerines and kingfishers that just aren’t showing up today. I don’t have any idea if this is significant.

Lake Artemesia 16

Another view of Lake Artemesia.

Great Blue Heron 2016-31

A Great Blue Heron was chased all the way across the lake by a Red Winged Blackbird.

Robin 2016-8

This Robin was eating berries rapidly.

Canada Goose 2016-32

Several Canada Goose families are living at the lake.

Wood Duck 2016-84

A mother’s work…

Wood Duck 2016-82 Wood Duck 2016-81 Wood Duck 2016-80 Wood Duck 2016-79

Wood Duck 2016-78

Wood Ducks are still present in large numbers-mostly hens with ducklings.

Green Heron 2016-18

Green Heron 2016-17

Green Heron 2016-15

This Green Heron landed right near me.

Mourning Dove 2016-6

Some Mourning Doves will let you get close.

Orchard Oriole 2016-15

I chased this Orchard Oriole for ten minutes to get any image at all.

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-34

This Red Winged Blackbird was calling to defend his territory.

Starling 100

I had to get help to ID this juvenile Starling.

Eastern Kingbird 2016-19

Eastern Kingbird 2016-18

A pair of Eastern Kingbird s has been hanging out near the same tree every day.


Green Heron at Terrapin Nature Park.

I took a look at the sunrise, which was quite banal, and went right to Terrapin, again. It was really rather dead, which seems unusual for early June, but I managed a couple of images.

I then went to CBEC, which had so many biting insects that I withdrew quickly, despite having a good layer of insecticide.   I haven’t seen that many insects in a long time.

Crow 2016-7

A single Crow flew over the pond.

Brown Thrasher 2016-2

Brown Thrasher 2016-3

I found this Brown Thrasher at CBEC.

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-33

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-31

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-32

Red Winged Blackbirds are nesting and defending their territory.

Green Heron 2016-12

Green Heron 2016-14

Green Heron 2016-13

This Green Heron was fishing the marsh pond by himself.


Turtle 50

Turtle 51

This Terrapin was crossing the road at CBEC.

Horseshoe Crab 1

I found a single Horseshoe Crab at the beach.


This Deer was snoozing at the edge of the pond.

Green Heron at Lake Artemesia.

After two days of gray, rainy and cloudy we finally had some sunshine. I guessed at Lake Artemesia, and it turned out OK, but I’ve had better days there.

I don’t recall a day with so many Wood Duck chicks, and a few Goose and Mallard young were around as well. The species count was low, but good light makes up for it.

Lake Artemesia 15

Lake Artemesia 14

A view of Lake Artemesia.

Mallard 2016-55

This Mallard hen was guarding her ducklings, who were sleeping in the grass nearby.

Wood Duck 2016-77

Wood Duck 2016-76

Wood Duck 2016-75

Wood Duck 2016-68

Wood Duck 2016-73 Wood Duck 2016-72 Wood Duck 2016-71 Wood Duck 2016-70 Wood Duck 2016-69

Wood Duck 2016-74

I saw more Wood Duck chicks than any day previously.

Cardinal 2016-14

Cardinals look good in the right light.

Canada Goose 2016-30

This Canada Goose gosling was not to be disturbed.

Canada Goose 2016-31

Canada Goose 2016-29

Several Canada Geese flew circles around the lake.

Tree Swallow 2016-54

An odd pose for a Tree Swallow.

Eastern Kingbird 2016-17

A pair of Eastern Kingbirds is always near this tree.

Purple Martin 2016-52

Purple Martin 2016-50

Purple Martin 2016-51

More Purple Martins.

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-30

A classic Red Winged Blackbird pose.

Green Heron 2016-10 Green Heron 2016-9

Green Heron 2016-11

I just barely caught this Green Heron as he flew by.

Turtle 48

This Turtle was probably looking for a place to lay her eggs.

Pine Cone 1

Lily 3

Flower 67

Today’s flowers.