I had to work this morning, and we had a little rain, so I didn’t get out until late.
Truxtun is my go-to place for local bugs, and I managed to find a few, but nothing spectacular.
I talked to Graeme last night about Buddy Attick, and he said there wasn’t much happening, so I went back to Artemesia this morning. It was a good choice.
There are still Wood Ducks with young, and a few more birds than previously showed themselves. The light was ideal, and I got a few decent images.
After nearly getting bitten to death, I decided to stay away from the marsh and head back to Lake Artemesia.
The weather was certainly right, but I’m not seeing much variety. In previous years there have been egrets, swans, more passerines and kingfishers that just aren’t showing up today. I don’t have any idea if this is significant.
I took a look at the sunrise, which was quite banal, and went right to Terrapin, again. It was really rather dead, which seems unusual for early June, but I managed a couple of images.
I then went to CBEC, which had so many biting insects that I withdrew quickly, despite having a good layer of insecticide. I haven’t seen that many insects in a long time.
After two days of gray, rainy and cloudy we finally had some sunshine. I guessed at Lake Artemesia, and it turned out OK, but I’ve had better days there.
I don’t recall a day with so many Wood Duck chicks, and a few Goose and Mallard young were around as well. The species count was low, but good light makes up for it.