White Eyed Vireo at Greenbury Point.

I started at Sandy Point again, and the sunrise was totally blah.

I stopped briefly at Possum Point. but the construction is continuing and it’s closed.

Greenbury Point was fairly productive, but I missed some good birds also.

Great Crested Flycatcher 2016-8

Great Crested Flycatchers nest at Greenbury Point.

Green Heron 2016-19

I just caught this Green Heron as he flew over.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-2

This Ruby Throated Hummingbird was resting between feedings.

Chickadee 2016-19

I don”t see many Chickadees at Greenbury.

Osprey 2016-62

Osprey 2016-63

Ospreys nest and fish nearby.

Mallard 2016-60

Mallard 2016-58

Mallard 2016-59

This Mallard landed on the asphalt path and seemed to be lost.

Crow 2016-8

I’m not sure what this Crow is carrying.

Indigo Bunting 2016-7

Indigo Bunting 2016-8

Indigo Buntings seem to be around every year.

Goldfinch 2106-6

Goldfinch 2106-7

A small flock of Goldfinches was foraging among the grass.

White Eyed Vireo 2016-3

White Eyed Vireo 2016-2

White Eyed Vireos are often heard, but more difficult to see.

Flower 67 Daisy 1 Dragonfly 68 Cabbage White 8 Sulfur 2

Monarch 18

Today’s bugs and flowers.


One thought on “White Eyed Vireo at Greenbury Point.

  1. Again, what awesome photos! So happy to see the beautiful slice of east coast nature, thank-you Hugh!

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