My principal camera has died and I’m hoping to get some help replacing it. Click the “Go Fund Me” link to assist.
My principal camera has died and I’m hoping to get some help replacing it. Click the “Go Fund Me” link to assist.
I’ve been visiting CBEC daily for a week or so. The low water has attracted hundreds of waterfowl and provided lots of photo opportunities. The water is so low that the resident carp are dying. I’ve never seen the lake water level so low.
The Tricolored Herons are continuing, along with Terns, Sandpipers and Ospreys. It’s been too hot to stay a long time, but it’s working out.
The Avocets have been seen several times, but I was lucky to get any look at all. They flew in, circled a few times and left.
Graeme and I spent the morning at Bombay Hook NWR, and had a very good day! We started with a Peregrine Falcon, and went on to a Least Bittern and a Common Gallinule, two life birds.
I had several overexposures because the light was much better than I’m used to. Must check more often.
The locals told us the Spoonbills hadn’t been appearing, but we got lucky on the second go around, and found them quite close to the road.
Avocets, Stilts and Ibises rounded out the list.
We’ve had decent weather the last week, with little rain and tolerable temps. The water level at CBEC has remained quite low for 2-3 weeks, and the waders are taking advantage. I have never seen so many egrets there.
I had 100 Snowy Egrets today, 25 Great Egret, and 8 Tricoloreds, That’s a good day. I seem to have inadvertently popularized the place, as more photographers keep showing up.
We’re still in the birding doldrums around here. I suspect they’re just not as plentiful, as most have finished nesting and just aren’t as active.
At this time of year I have more fun in the marshes, where there’s a good variety of species and a chance for a rarity or two, like The Tricolored Herons. (Banding Code TRHE).
Egrets have been plentiful, the Tree Swallows seem to have mostly moved, and a few Barn Swallows are still here. Passerines are elusive, and I’ve only gotten a few images.
It’s the slowest time of the year and it’s getting hot. I’m visiting the same places almost daily and not finding much interesting. There may just be fewer birds, or I may need a new game plan. I suspect I’ve lost a step or two, as I feel my longer walks more than usual.
Both Possum Point and Sandy Point have made it hard to get in for sunrise photos, and my few trips there this year haven’t found much. Likewise for CBEC and Terrapin.
The pond at Jonas Green has been my salvation for the last few weeks. Herons, Ducks and Blackbirds are plentiful and usually will pose at least briefly.
It’s that time of year when things slow down, and there may be some kind of cicada effect this year. Is it possible I’m seeing fewer birds because they’re finding food more easily? I haven’t seen that many birds eating cicadas, but others have.
It seems odd to see Trumpeter Swans at a beach, but they’ve been seen there several times in the past couple of months. They were very cooperative and ate a lot of cicadas.
Otherwise, Bluebirds and Ospreys dominated. The water is still high at CBEC, so I haven’t crossed the bridge much. I’m keeping an eye on the Ebird reports.
It’s been a slowish birding week, topped off by the Annual Blue Angels show yesterday. I’m lucky enough to live near a local park where I get good views of much of the show. The best place is from a boat, or nearer the river, but those spots are taken early, and very crowded.
I did manage a couple of decent birds this week as well. I got to CBEC and Terrapin this week, and both yielded a few images.
It’s been a week, but a busy and somewhat productive week. We’re finally getting some migrants with regularity.
Where to go? I’ve tried a few places without much luck, but it’s often a crapshoot even at peak migration. I’m getting too old for all day marathons, so I’m usually just hitting two or three places.
Anyway, here’s the best stuff from the last week.
We’re getting some good migrants almost every day. I’m hearing about more than I see, but I’m doing OK, thank you.
Graeme and I went to Huntley Meadows overnight, and it’s a great place. A boardwalk through the marsh puts many good birds right in front of you. A few reptiles appeared as well.
Greenbury Point is hosting some good migrants, and I’ll be posting some before too long. I thought the Trumpeter Swans had left, but I relocated them this morning. How long will they stay?