We’re getting some good migrants almost every day. I’m hearing about more than I see, but I’m doing OK, thank you.
Graeme and I went to Huntley Meadows overnight, and it’s a great place. A boardwalk through the marsh puts many good birds right in front of you. A few reptiles appeared as well.
Greenbury Point is hosting some good migrants, and I’ll be posting some before too long. I thought the Trumpeter Swans had left, but I relocated them this morning. How long will they stay?

The boardwalk at Huntley Meadows.

This Common Grackle has a strange iridescence,

Wood Ducks have been easy to find recently.

This Common Yellowthroat was singing loudly.

Female Red Winged Blackbirds always seem to be in the minority.

A Prothonotary Warbler is always a bit startling.

Gray Catbirds arrived only a few days ago.

I’m seeing Chipping Sparrows almost daily.

Yet another Grackle.

A Spring Cardinal.

Barn Swallows are building nests.

This Bluebird is feeding his young.

We saw several Hooded Mergansers with chicks.

Green Herons were feeding in the marsh.

This is from the Heronry at Jonas Green Park.

The Trumpeter Swans were in Woolchurch Pond this morning.

Several Great Blue Herons were fishing.

This Great Blue Heron seemed to catch a crayfish with every attempt.

Eastern Kingbirds have arrived. Thy seem to thrive at Greenbury Point.

A Bald Eagle nest at Dyke Marsh.

This Gray Tree Frog lives in a hole, and the locals say he’s often visible.

A very large Snapping Turtle.