About Hugh


Tundra Swans at Thomas Point

The weather has been good enough, with a few days of cold, followed by milder stuff right now. I’m still hanging out on this side of the bridge, but I may cross the bridge soon, as the winter ducks come in. Have I mentioned that the Bay Bridge is being repaired? This limits the times you can cross without traffic delays.

Lots of Swans and ducks are here now, but the Thomas Point ducks aren’t coming in close enough for photos. Quiet Waters has been a major disappointment. I’ve been several times without seeing much of note.



Ring Necked Duck 2019-7

Ring Necked Duck 2019-8

I found many Ringnecked Ducks at Schoolhouse Pond.

Ring Necked Duck 2019-6

Mallard 2019-36

Mallards in good light are attractive.

Canvasback 2019-28 Canvasback 2019-27 Canvasback 2019-26 Canvasback 2018-27

Canvasback 2019-29

I got close to this Canvasback hen.

Canada Goose 2019-37

Canada Goose 2019-38

I liked the colors surrounding this Canada Goose.

Bufflehead 2019-54 Bufflehead 2019-53 Bufflehead 2019-51

Bufflehead 2019-55

Many Buffleheads are in the area.

Black Duck 2019-12

Thomas Point is a reliable spot for Black Ducks.

Song Sparrow 2019-15

There’s always Song Sparrows at Thomas Point.

Redhead 2019-14

The Redhead has a simple, attractive design.

Ruddy Duck 2019-14 Redhead 2019-16 Lesser Scaup 2019-24Lesser Scaup 2019-23Lesser Scaup 2019-22Redhead 2019-13Tundra Swan 2019-56Tundra Swan 2019-55Tundra Swan 2019-54Tundra Swan 2019-53Tundra Swan 2019-52Tundra Swan 2019-51Tundra Swan 2019-50Tundra Swan 2019-49Tundra Swan 2019-48Tundra Swan 2019-47Tundra Swan 2019-46Tundra Swan 2019-45Tundra Swan 2019-44Tundra Swan 2019-43Tundra Swan 2019-42Tundra Swan 2019-41Tundra Swan 2019-40Tundra Swan 2019-39Tundra Swan 2019-38

Tundra Swan 2019-57

I like the shapes in this Tundra Swan photo.


Tundra Swans at Thomas Point.

We’re getting some interesting winter visitors now. Swans and Geese are flying high overhead, and looking through flocks of distant ducks is more rewarding.  A single Ruddy was hanging out with 50 Buffleheads at the point.

Redheads, Wigeons and Canvasbacks are appearing now, so it won’t be long before we see other species.




Bufflehead 2019-49 Bufflehead 2019-48 Bufflehead 2019-47 Bufflehead 2019-45


Bufflehead 2019-50

I saw well over 200 Buffleheads.

Redhead 2019-13

First Redhead of the season.

Canvasback 2019-26

First Canvasback of the season.

Tundra Swan 2019-38

Tundra Swans are here in good numbers.

Tundra Swan 2019-39

This is “Julia” (T186) who we reported to the USGS two years ago.


Tundra Swans at Thomas Point.

We’re going through another  birding drought, it seems. I’ve been a little reluctant to travel much as there’s not been much to see. Some of it’s luck, some is weather, and it’s all part of the game.

Swans and Buffleheads have arrived, and most of our migrant visitors have gone South. I’ve been recording most of my trips on Ebird, and the lack of variety is noticeable. More ducks will be here soon, and all will be well.

Lake Artemesia 139

Lake Artemesia 140

Lake Artemesia.

Cove 26

Cove 25

Quiet Waters.

American Wigeon 2019-7

This American Wigeon was a mild surprise at Thomas Point.

Black Duck 2019-11

Thomas Point is one place where Black Ducks appear regularly.

Double Crested Cormorant 2019-25

50 or more Double Crested Cormorants flew overhead.

Yellow Rumped Warber 2019-8

This Yellow Rumped Warbler was at Greenbury Point.

Bald Eagle 2019-20

Bald Eagle 2019-21

Bald Eagles have become more active recently,

Bufflehead 2019-42 Bufflehead 2019-41

Bufflehead 2019-44

Many Buffleheads have been feeding at Thomas Point.

Great Blue Heron 2019-57

Great Blue Heron 2019-59

This Great Blue Heron was at Quiet Waters.

Pied Billed Grebe 2019-105

Pied Billed Grebe 2019-106

I usually find Pied Billed Grebes at Lake Artemesia.

Field Sparrow 2019-1

A Field Sparrow at Artemesia.

Tundra Swan 2019-36 Tundra Swan 2019-35 Tundra Swan 2019-34

Tundra Swan 2019-37

Tundra Swans began appearing in larger numbers yesterday.




Cedar Waxwing at Lake Artemesia.

Another long period with minimal action.  There was a report a few weeks ago that we’ve lost a billion birds, and I think they were all from the East. We’ve just come the to end  of a long drought, but the water in the marsh ponds has been high all year. Many birds prefer to forage on the flats that appear at low water, so the number of birds in the area has been greatly reduced.

I’ve been out almost every day, and there’s a decent shot or two, but most days were quite slow.

Lake Artemesia 129

Morning at Lake Artemesia.

Lake Artemesia 133 Lake Artemesia 128


A CBEC morning.





CBEC Dawn.

Palm Warbler 2019-2

I saw this Palm Warbler at CBEC. Not much warbler variety this year.

Red Bellied Woodpecker 2019-2

A nut always improves a Red Bellied Woodpecker image.

Red Bellied Woodpecker 2019-1 Domestic Goose 2019-6

Mallard 2019-31

Sometimes the morning light can be dramatic.

Great Blue Heron 2019-50

Just a little snack for this Great Blue Heron.

White Throated Sparrow 2019-2

White throated Sparrows have just begun arriving.

Turkey Vulture 2019-2

I’ve often seen this pose from the back, but only seldom from the front.

Marbled Godwit 20190-2

This is a Marbled Godwit, a bird we seldom get to see.

Great Blue Heron 2019-48 Great Egret 2019-262

American Avocet 2019-113

American Avocet at Bombay Hook.

Marbled Godwit 2019-3 Marbled Godwit 2019-1

Marsh Wren 2019-5

Marsh Wren in the classic “Straddle” pose.

Greater Yellowlegs 2019-4

We should be seeing many Greater Yellowlegs and other Sandpipers.

Great Egret 2019-258

Great Egrets were around in good numbers.

Marbled Godwit 20190-2 Great Blue Heron 2019-110

Wood Duck 2019-35

I experimented with a frame for this Wood Duck.

Domestic Goose 2019-5

This Domestic Goose has been at Lake Artemesia for a couple of months.

House Wren 2019-2

I couldn’t have asked for better conditions for this House Wren image.

House Wren 2019-1

Cowbird 2019-1

This is a juvenile Cowbird.

Wood Duck 2019-38

Cedar Waxwing 2019-5

Many Cedar Waxwings were at Artemesia this morning.

Cedar Waxwing 2019-4

Downy Woodpecker 2019-1

A single Downy Woodpecker entertained me for a while.

Fox 122

I found this Fox as I was leaving CBEC.

Wood Ducks at Lake Artemesia.

It’s been a long dry spell around here. I suspect migration is a little slow, but one big kink in my favorite spots is the high water. Many wading birds look for shallow water and mudflats, and that’s hard to find around here right now. I can’t put any real blame on climate change, but you gotta’ wonder.

I’ve mostly been to CBEC and Terrapin, with a few trips to Wooton, Governor Bridge and Sandy Point. None are living up to historical norms, but there’s probably some bad luck  also.

Anyway, here’s a few images from the last two weeks. Maybe we’ll have better luck soon.

This is a link to my Ebird checklist: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S60147634



CBEC in the morning.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo 2019-3

A pair of late season Yellow Billed Cuckoos were foraging at Lake Artemesia.

Pied Billed Grebe 2019-101

Pied Billed Grebe 2019-102

My first Pied Billed Grebe of the season.

Catbird 2019-100

Catbird 2019-101

Catbirds have been numerous lately.

Domestic Goose 2019-4

This Domestic Goose is still hanging around Lake Artemesia.

Caspian Tern 2019-07

Caspian Terns have returned to Sandy Point.

Great Egret 2019-256 Great Egret 2019-255 Great Egret 2019-254 Great Egret 2019-253

Great Egret 2019-257

An early morning Egret at CBEC.

Common Yellowthroat 2019-6

This Common Yellowthroat was migrating through Terrapin.

Solitary Sandpiper 2019-1

Solitary Sandpiper 2019-2

A Solitary Sandpiper was looking for a meal at Wooton’s Landing.

Brown Thrasher 2019-35

This has been a good year for Brown Thrashers.

Black and White Warbler 2019-1

A Black and White Warbler from Artemesia.

Chimney Swift 2019-1

Chimney Swift 2019-2

This is a Chimney Swift. I rarely try to photograph these erratic, fast avian missiles.

Arctic Tern 2019-15

Arctic Tern from my trip to Seal Island.

American Redstart 2019-2

American Redstart from Terrapin.

Wood Duck 2019-32 Wood Duck 2019-31 Wood Duck 2019-30 Wood Duck 2019-29 Wood Duck 2019-28 Wood Duck 2019-27 Wood Duck 2019-26 Wood Duck 2019-25

Wood Duck 2019-33

Several Wood Ducks were cruising the shoreline at Artemesia.

Eastern Box Turtle 15

Eastern Box Turtle 14

I’ve seen a lot of Eastern Box Turtles lately.

Tricolored Heron at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

We’ve had another slow week. I can’t fault the weather, but I’d like to see more migrants.  How many times have I written that?

I’m sticking with my routine for now. Check out Sandy Point for morning colors, Look in on Kent Narrows. then head for CBEC, which is open 24/7, so I can show up when it’s convenient for me.

I’ve been told that CBEC is a good warbler spot, but I haven’t seen the proof yet. Still, there’s enough action to keep me  interested, and migration is advancing every day. I stopped at Greenbury Point this morning for a change of pace, but I found nada there.


CBEC Dawn.

Chipping Sparrow 2019-7

I found this Chipping Sparrow at Greenbury Point.

Great Blue Heron 2019-33

Great Blue Heron 2019-35

I’m seeing a few more Great Blue Herons recently.

Forster's Tern 2019-44

I’ve seen as many as 15 Forster’s Terns at CBEC.

Black Crowned Night Heron 2019-20 Black Crowned Night Heron 2019-19 Black Crowned Night Heron 2019-17 Black Crowned Night Heron 2019-15

Black Crowned Night Heron 2019-21

Several juvenile Black Crowned Night Herons are finding good pickings at Kent Narrows.

Snowy Egret 2019-114

A few Snowy Egrets are still hanging out.

Great Egret 2019-150

A few Great Egrets are foraging in Lake Knapp.

Great Egret 2019-149


Wild Turkey 2019-70

Wild Turkey 2019-71

Most of the Wild Turkey poults have gotten quite large.

Canada Goose 2019-26

There are usually 75 or more Canada Geese on the lake in the morning.

Tricolored Heron 2019-37 Tricolored Heron 2019-34

Tricolored Heron 2019-36

3 juvenile Tricolored Herons have been hanging out at CBEC for month or more.


Spider 287

This Orbweaver set his trap in the blind, and I was able to get a fairly sharp closeup of the action.

Spider 288

American Avocet at Bombay Hook NWR.`

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, and that’s a reflection of the slow birding climate around here. Even trips to Blackwater and Bombay Hook weren’t sufficiently productive for a post.

So:this will be a compilation of the last week’s occasional decent photo. I entered a contest where you need to submit 20 Ebird reports from the same place during August, so I spent a lot of time at CBEC.



CBEC Dawn.

Caspian Tern 2019-03

Caspian Tern 2019-06

Several Caspian Terns are hanging out at Sandy Point.


Red Headed Woodpecker 2019-29

Red Headed Woodpecker 2019-31

The Red Headed Woodpeckers were very active today.

Tricolored Heron 2019-28

I’m seeing more Great Blue Herons now.

Great Egret 2019-146

Great Egret 2019-147

Great Egrets are present in good numbers.

Eastern Kingbird 2019-13

Small flocks of Eastern Kingbirds are gathering to migrate.


Brown Thrasher 2019-32

Brown Thrashers seem to be very territorial.

Least Sandpiper 2019-7

Least Sandpipers appear as soon as the mudflats are exposed.

Tricolored Heron 2019-30 Tricolored Heron 2019-24

Tricolored Heron 2019-31

Several juvenile Tricolored Herons are hanging out at CBEC.

American Avocet 2019-107 American Avocet 2019-105 American Avocet 2019-104

American Avocet 2019-108

There were about 1000 American Avocets at Bombay Hook.

White Tailed Deer at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

The hot, humid weather seems to be cooling. It was coolish and a little windy this morning, and I cut it short for fear of rain.

Egrets are still plentiful, Eagles are more visible, and a few Sandpipers are starting to show.

I suspect we’ll see many more species as migration picks up in the next week or so.

Ebird checklist: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S59193190


CBEC Dawn.

Tricolored Heron 2019-18

Tricolored Heron 2019-19

The Tricolored Herons are attracting many birders.

Great Egret 2019-140 Great Egret 2019-139 Great Egret 2019-137

Great Egret 2019-141

There is a large contingent of Great Egrets.

Forster's Tern 2019-37

% or more Forster’s Terns are present each morning.

Black Crowned Night Heron 2019-8

I found this Black Crowned Night Heron at Kent Narrows.

Song Sparrow 2019-10

This Song Sparrow found several large worms in the mud.

Great Blue Heron 2019-31

There are not as many Great Blue Herons as usual.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2019-25

It’s easy to hear the Red Headed Woodpeckers at CBEC, and hard to get a good photo.


I assume these Whitetail Fawns are related.


Wood Ducks at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

We’ve had a couple days of hot, humid, nobird  kind of weather, but it cooled off a bit today and some migrants dropped by, including Blue Winged Teal and Spotted Sandpiper.

The Egret population is impressive, Eagles were very active, Herons and Least Sandpipers were easy to find. There were many other birds as well, and here’s a link to the Ebird checklist: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S59148351


CBEC Dawn.

Great Egret 2019-134 Great Egret 2019-132 Great Egret 2019-131

Great Egret 2019-136

Great Egrets in the light of a low Sun.

Osprey 2019-36

Someday I’ll get a good Osprey silhouette.

Tricolored Heron 2019-16

Tricolored Heron 2019-17

At least one (Rare) Tricolored Heron is still hanging out at CBEC.

Wild Turkey 2019-67

Wild Turkeys seem to enjoy foraging in trees.

Wild Turkey 2019-66

Wild Turkey 2019-68

If you spend any time in the woods at CBEC, you may meet some Wild Turkeys.

Great Egret 2019-133

Great Blue Heron 2019-30

I expect the number of Great Blue Herons to improve.

Wood Duck 2019-22

Wood Duck 2019-23

This Wood Duck flew over my head, and I didn’t know the species until I got it on the computer.

Tricolored Heron at Chesapeake Bay Environmental.

Once again, Sandy Point and Kent Narrows were disappointing. No color at all, all the way to the horizon.

The entrance road to CBEC was almost completely flooded, but it wasn’t very deep, so I got in OK.

Many (60) Egrets and Herons were foraging all over the lake, and the Tricolored Herons were easy to find. These are fairly small birds, and they blend with the shoreline.

Terns, Eagles and Ospreys were also active and made for a good morning.

Ebird checklist  https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S59025045


CBEC Dawn.

Great Egret 2019-127 Great Egret 2019-126 Great Egret 2019-125

Great Egret 2019-128

Many Egrets were feeding near shore.

Forster's Tern 2019-34

Forster's Tern 2019-35

Forster’s Terns were fishing in the East end of Lake Knapp.

Great Blue Heron 2019-27

I’m not seeing as many Great Blue Herons as usual.

Great Crested Flycatcher 2019-109

This Great Crested Flycatcher will be heading South soon.

Canada Goose 2019-23

Canada Goose 2019-24

It appears that about 25-30 Canada Geese spend the night at CBEC, then go foraging in the early morning.

Wild Turkey 2019-64 Wild Turkey 2019-63

Wild Turkey 2019-64

Wild Turkey 2019-65

The BCEC admin tells me there’s as many as 100 Wild Turkeys on the grounds.

Tricolored Heron 2019-12Tricolored Heron 2019-11Tricolored Heron 2019-10Tricolored Heron 2019-9Tricolored Heron 2019-8Tricolored Heron 2019-7

Tricolored Heron 2019-14

I finally got a good luck at the Tricolored Herons. These are juvenile birds.


This young fawn seems to hang out in this area, as I’ve seen him there several times.