I tried a change up today, without much luck. Sands Road is good sparrow country, and sparrows are moving, but it wasn’t my day.
I did kick up a couple of Eastern Meadowlarks, but the images aren’t much good.
I tried a change up today, without much luck. Sands Road is good sparrow country, and sparrows are moving, but it wasn’t my day.
I did kick up a couple of Eastern Meadowlarks, but the images aren’t much good.
Terrapin was overrun with migrating sparrows today, as well as other birds. After shooting the sunrise at Sandy Point, I go to Terrapin around 7:30 and immediately found a thousand or more migrants in the field near the parking lot.
Chipping and Song Sparrows dominated, but there were plenty of others as well. Soon, I was only shooting the best, closest birds in the best light, and I still had plenty of choices. I walked to the marsh ponds and the beach, as well, but most of the action was in the big field.
It was a great day after so many bleak ones.
Back to Sandy Point and Terrapin again, with decent results. The sunrise was superb, and I found some nice birds at Terrapin, with help from Diana.
I haven’t seen a Hairy Woodpecker in quite a while, and got a nice warbler and some other good birds. Fall is here and the birds are finally showing up.
Another bust of a day. I met Graeme early at Wooton’s Landing. There was a bit of activity, but it quickly died down to nothing.
We headed to Sands Road after an hour or so, and was as dead as I’ve ever seen it. Very odd for this time of year.
Great weather today-morning in the 60s, slightly cloudy and calm, quickly warming to the 70s. I shot the sunrise at Sandy Point, then went to Terrapin, where a few sparrows showed up, but not much else. In a real switch, there was hardly anything worth seeing at CBEC, with the exception of a Sharp Shinned Hawk.