We had heavy rain this morning, so I didn’t get out ’til late. A few woodpeckers were around, but not much else.
A quick turn around the ‘hood wasn’t particularly productive either, but the bugs will be here soon.
Monthly Archives: April 2015
Black Snake at Bacon Ridge
For the last two years I’ve gone to the annual Bacon Ridge bird walk, and done very well. It’s only open a few times each year, ad is a great place for birding.
Not so today. Warblers were in very short supply, and what little we found was far away and not very exciting.
A short walk in the ‘hood produced only a couple of bugs
Northern Cardinal at Truxtun Park
It was raining this morning, and I thought the day was lost.\, but we got some sunshine around 9:00, so I went to the local parks.
Quiet Waters lived up to its name, with virtually no interesting birds. Truxtun Park wasn’t much better, but I did find a Cardinal gathering nesting material.

Cornell:”Nuthatches are active, agile little birds with an appetite for insects and large, meaty seeds. They get their common name from their habit of jamming large nuts and acorns into tree bark, then whacking them with their sharp bill to “hatch” out the seed from the inside. White-breasted Nuthatches may be small but their voices are loud, and often their insistent nasal yammering will lead you right to them.”
Prothonotary Warbler at Wooton’s Landing
I went back to Sands Road this morning, and it was quite different. I saw very few birds, and didn’t get a single usable image, even after I made a second visit. Weird.
Wooton treated me better, but it was slower than yesterday.
Common Yellowthroat at Sands Road Park
It’s time to start hunting migrants, so I started at Sands Road this morning. It was pretty active, but the fog and clouds prevented really good photography.
I left after a couple of hours, and went to Wooton, which wasn’t as good. but looks promising.
I finished up with a short bug hunt.
Palm Warbler at Truxtun Park
I started at Possum Point this morning, but the light was so poor I didn’t get anything worth looking at.
Truxtun Park and Quiet Waters were very slow, but I did find a couple of bugs.
Swamp Sparrow at Truxtun Park
I started out by visiting the heronry in Arnold, which was not as good as last time. There seemed to be fewer nesting herons, also.
Truxtun Park was next, and much more productive. I believe this is the first Swamp Sparrow I’ve seen there.
Quiet Waters was good also, but I’m still not seeing many migrants.
Cedar Waxwing at Wooton’s Landing
From reports I’m hearing, migration is well underway, so I decided to look for migrants this morning. I started at Sands Road, which was pretty dead, then went to Wooton, which was better, but not really hot.
Tree Swallows and Ospreys were very active, but no significant amount of other visitors appeared.
I found a couple of migrants at Truxtun Park in a brief afternoon trip.
Mourning Cloak at Truxtun Park
It was a rainy dawn, so I stayed home until 8:30 or so, then went to Possum Point. The usual Osprey and Cormorants were all I saw, and the rain was threatening, so I did some chores and headed home.
The Mourning Cloak is from a brief stop yesterday. Oddly this butterfly has been in the same small area for the last three years.

Wikipedia: Nymphalis antiopa, known as the Mourning Cloak in North America and the Camberwell Beauty in Britain, is a large butterfly native to Eurasia and North America. See also Anglewing butterflies. The immature form of this species is sometimes known as the spiny elm caterpillar. Other older names for this species include Grand Surprise and White Petticoat. A powerful flier, this species is sometimes found in areas far from its usual range during migration. These butterflies have a life-span of 11 to 12 months, one of the most extensive life-spans for any butterfly.
Common Loon at Possum Point
I went to Possum Point for sunrise again, then spent an hour looking for migrants without any luck. I did get some cooperation from the regulars, though.
Beach Road and Jonas Green were nearly deserted, but Quiet Waters as more productive, with Ospreys, Grebes and Wood Ducks. Great weather, also.

The Horned Grebe spends most of its life on the water, even as a chick. Like other Grebes, it can’t walk on land because its feet are so far back on its body. It can only flop and hop which means it can only take off from the water. It is also reported to eat its feathers which can be up to 55% of its stomach contents. Scientists believe the feathers protect the stomach from sharp fish bones that its gizzard can’t handle. The voice of the Horned Grebe is a series of interesting croaks and chattering, followed by a few long shrieks. In the summer you might hear whining. http://www.birdinginformation.com/birds/grebes/horned-grebe/

Cornell: “Bufflehead nest in old woodpecker holes, particularly those made by Northern Flickers, in the forests of northern North America.”

Cornell: ” Common Loons are powerful, agile divers that catch small fish in fast underwater chases. They are less suited to land, and typically come ashore only to nest.”