White Ibis at Wooton’s Landing

Last Summer we had a series of 90 + degree days in July, but this year is much better. If I’m not getting all the birds I want, the weather’s not to blame.
I made a quick stop at Sands Road near dawn, but it was foggy and a waste of time.
It had nearly cleared by the time I got to Wooton, and it looked nearly perfect for birding. Alas, not much was happening, and I felt lucky to get what I did.
It had gotten fairly hot by the time I got around to the bugs, so I didn’t spend much time looking.

Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Herons are still hanging around.

Great Blue Heron

This Great Blue Heron may have been sleeping.



This Catbird posed well.

White Ibis

I nearly walked by this juvenile White Ibis.

Insect 592

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Cedar Waxwing at Governor Bridge Natural Area

Another gorgeous day, and another day of dithering about where to go. I decided on Governor Bridge because I wanted another chance at the hummingbirds.
I arrived about dawn, as usual, and did a complete loop of the lower area without finding much. Things picked up the second time around.
The hummingbirds weren’t as active as yesterday, but I found a few.
A shortened bug hunting trip was only mildly productive.

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat

This Common Yellowthroat is probably a juvenile.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 220

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

It’s difficult to get Ruby Throated Hummingbird in flight, but fun to try.

Indigo Bunting

This Indigo Bunting is probably a juvenile also.


This Catbird was foraging in the big field.

Cedar Waxwing

A small flock of Cedar Waxwings was feeding in the area.

Wasp 57

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 42

Wasp 56

Beetle 95

Dragonfly 149

Cicada 103

Skipper 12

Ant 27

Robber Fly 10

Dragonfly 147

Dragonfly 148

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Eastern Kingbird at Greenbury Point

Graeme and I did the Annapolis tour this morning, hitting Truxtun Park, Quiet Waters, Jonas Green Park and Greenbury Point. We probably overdid it a bit, but we found a few bugs and birds and I got to show him the local spots.
I spent the afternoon dealing with a computer crash, so I won’t finish this post ’til tomorrow.

Eastern Kingbird

This Eastern Kingbird and a companion were very active chasing flies.

Bee 56

Ant 26

Monarch Caterpillar 2

Dragonfly 200

Lacewing 4

Red Admiral 4

Wasp 54

Fly 62

Praying Mantis 36

Beetle 94

Wasp 21

Today's bugs

Today’s bugs

American Redstart at Governor Bridge Natural Area

This has been a good Summer, weather-wise, and today was no exception. I got to the park around dawn, and set out looking for birds right away. It’s the very beginning of Fall migration, and I was hoping to find some early birds.
I found a couple of good ones right off, and there was a lot of activity.
The bug hunting was also good, and I got a few good images.

Common Yellowthroat

This Common Yellowthroat was foraging in the big field.

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager

This Scarlet Tanager is changing to his Fall colors.

Tufted Titmouse

This Tufted Titmouse was feeding with a flock of his friends.

Red Eyed Vireo 129

Red Eyed Vireo

Red Eyed Vireos will be leaving the area next month.


I’m not sure which Flycatcher this is.

Orchard Oriole 106Orchard Oriole

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 211Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Great Blue Heron 197Great Blue Heron

Bee 58

Insect 589

Wasp 54

Insect 590

Bee 59

Ebony Jewelwing 2

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 41

Damsel Fly 30

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Green Heron at Wooton’s Landing

Hot and humid with bright sunshine. Ideal in some ways, but the light was very harsh, and the heat was nearly too much.
I made a quick stop at Sands Road to see what was happening (not much) then headed up the road to Wooton. It was surprisingly slow for such a nice day, and even the bugs seemed to be hiding from the heat.

Chipping Sparrow

You can almost always find a Chipping Sparrow on the road to the parking lot.


This Cardinal landed quite near me.

Green Heron

I’m not used to seeing Green Herons hidden in a tree like this.

Grasshopper 60

Insect 586

Insect 587

Butterfly 32

Dragonfly 146

Skipper 11

Moth 80

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Indigo Bunting at Governor Bridge Natural Area

I had an appointment this morning, so I got to Truxtun Park early, then went to Ft. Meade around 8:00. After the VA wasted my time on an unnecessary appointment, I stopped at Governor Bridge for a while, but it was too late to find many birds. The bugs were around in decent numbers, so I spent some time hunting.

Indigo Bunting

This Indigo Bunting showed up as I was leaving.

Spider 148

Spider 147

Ant 26

Dragonfly 145

Cicada 102

Bee 56

Insect 581

Ant 25

Caterpillar 145

Insect 582

Insect 583

Insect 584

Katydid Nymph 1

Bee 57

Caterpillar 146

Caterpillar 147

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Looking for Bugs at Home

The rain was falling lightly when I awoke. The weatherman promised it would stop soon, so I headed out to Governor Bridge, which was pretty slow in the very cloudy morning.
This afternoon we had lots of sun, and I spent about an hour roaming the ‘hood, which was pretty productive.

Common Yellowthroat

This Common Yellowthroat was foraging in the low bushes.

Eastern Towhee

Like many male Eastern Towhees, I heard this bird long before I saw him.

Spider 146

Ladybug 36

Ladybug 37

Damsel Fly 29

Fly 61

Insect 579

Caterpillar 144

Beetle 92

Dragonfly 144

Tussock Moth Nymph 4

Beetle 93

Ladybug 38

Bee 52

Bee 53

Bee 54

Bee 55

Insect 580

Wasp 53

Wasp 54

Robber Fly 9

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.