Magnolia Warbler at Wooton Wetlands Preserve

I decided on a change of pace this morning, and headed to Wooton, which I haven’t visited in a month. I wasted over an hour in the fog, but got a few good images when the Sun came out.
It was too hot (In October!) to stay longer, so I only had a little time for bugs.

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia WarblerMagnolia Warbler

Red Shouldered Hawk

Red Shouldered Hawk

This Red Shouldered Hawk was taken before the fog started to lift.

White Breasted Nuthatch

This White Breasted Nuthatch is an old shot I’ve re-edited.


Several Bluebirds were hanging out at the Tree Swallow nest. The spider web was fortuitous.

Eastern Towhee

Eastern Towhee

This Eastern Towhee is a female, and I’ve only seen a few. Her mate was around, but wouldn’t pose.

Brown Thrasher

Brown Thrasher

Brown Thrasher

This Brown Thrasher stayed in this bush eating berries for several minutes.

Downy  Woodpecker

Downy Woodpeckers are easier to find now that the leaves are falling.


Another colorful leaf.

Spider Web

The fog highlighted many Spider Webs.

Yellow Collared Scape MothYellow Collared Scape Moth

Ruby Crowned Kinglet at Governor Bridge Natural Area

I had high hopes for some good birds as a slightly cloudy sky appeared at dawn, but it was not to be. Only a few migrants appeared, and they weren’t in the mood to pose. Another birder later told us he found some warblers well back in the trees.
Graeme and I spent considerable time seeking bugs, and we found some nice ones.

American Robin


Ruby-Crowned-Kinglets are appearing in large numbers.


White-Eyed-Vireos are still plentiful.

Grasshopper 16

Insect 61

Ladybug 7

Praying Mantis 9

Praying Mantis 10

Spider 75

Spider 74

Spider 73

Spider 72

Spider 76

Spider 77

Spider Web 1

Spider Web 2

Wasp 14

Bee 15

Caterpillar 51

Today's Bugs.

Today’s Bugs.

Leaf 3

Mushroom 1

Flower 1

A little variety.

A little variety.

Magnolia Warbler at Quiet Waters Park

Today was my monthly chores (Pay bills, shopping, etc.) day, so I didn’t have much time to explore. I did manage quick trip to Quiet Waters, though. This park is quite close to my home, but it’s always been a disappointment in the Spring and Summer, as the tall trees make photography difficult. I stayed on the periphery this morning, and managed to find a few birds.
I’m including a few bugs from yesterday and today.

Magnolia Warbler

If I’d had more time, I think I could have found others beside this Magnolia Warbler.

Bee 13

Bee 14

Insect 59

Spider 71

Today's Bugs

Today’s Bugs

Spider 70

Insect 60

Cape May Warbler at Governor Bridge Natural Area

A cloudy morning lent a little more credence to my theory of sunshine and hot birding. Although there were birds around, they were in small numbers with little variety.
Bugs were plentiful, but I’d like to find more new ones.

These are the lovely ladies who helped me yesterday(Diane, Linda, Dianne).

These are the lovely ladies who helped me yesterday (Diane, Linda, Dianne).

These colors caught my eye.

These colors caught my eye.

Cape May Warbler

This Cape May Warbler plopped right down in front of me and posed for a wile.

Chestnut Sided Warbler

Chestnut Sided Warbler

Chestnut Sided Warbler

Chestnut Sided Warbler

Note the caterpillar this Chestnut Sided Warbler has snagged. That’s one of the many I have photographed.

Caterpillar 47

Caterpillar 48

Insect 54

Insect 55

Insect 56

Locust Borer 5

Nursery Web Spider 6

Spider 67

Yellow Collared Scape Moth 2

Caterpillar 44

Caterpillar 45

Today's Bugs.

Today’s Bugs.