About Hugh


Ruby Throated Hummingbird at Lake Artemesia.

I met Graeme early at Lake Artemesia and we walked the area for about three hours. It was a better day than some, and we found a few good birds.

A few Wood Ducks are still around, a hummingbird posed briefly, and a few others cooperated.Lake Artemesia 43

Lake Artemesia 40 Lake Artemesia 41 Lake Artemesia 42 Lake Artemesia 44 Lake Artemesia 45

Lake Artemesia 46

Views of Lake Artemesia.

Goldfinch 2106-10

Goldfinch 2106-12

Goldfinch 2106-11

We saw Goldfinches in several places.

Great Blue Heron 2016-34

A Great Blue Heron often perches on this unused Osprey platform.

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-41

Red Winged Blackbirds are very common, but attractive in the right setting.

Eastern Kingbird 2016-29 Eastern Kingbird 2016-28

Eastern Kingbird 2016-30

This Eastern Kingbird was flycatching in the lily pads.

Wood Duck 2016-124 Wood Duck 2016-123 Wood Duck 2016-122

Wood Duck 2016-121

There are fewer young Wood Ducks.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-12 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-11

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-13

Mimosa attracts Ruby Throated Hummingbirds when it’s blooming.

Hugh 2016-1

In the Gazebo.

Tom 1

Tom and his dog Sam were taking a stroll around the lake.

Tree Swallow at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

Sandy Point was a bust once again, so I headed to Terrapin. I did find a few interesting birds, but they weren’t into posing for me.

CBEC is still hosting half the biting flies of the northern hemisphere, so I rushed through the worst part and spent some time at the lake.  The wading birds are still among the missing, and not much else is going on there. I got a few quick images, including a turtle laying eggs and called it a day.

Marsh Pond 19

Marsh Pond 17 Marsh Pond 16 Marsh Pond 15

Marsh Pond 18

Views of the Marsh Pond at Terrapin.

Crow 2016-13

It’s not easy to get a good image of a Crow.

Mallard 2016-71

Mallard 2016-70

I was lucky to catch all three Mallards in one image.

Osprey 2016-75

This Osprey was the only mage I got at Terrapin.

Tree Swallow 2016-74

Tree Swallow 2016-75

The Tree Swallow activity has slowed down.

Great Crested Flycatcher 2016-9

Great Crested Flycatcher 2016-10

I’ve heard Great Crested Flycatchers at CBEC, but this is the first I’ve seen.

Least Tern 2016-5

Least Tern 2016-4

A few Least Terns were fishing in the lake.

Turtle 59 Turtle 61

Turtle 60

This Painted Turtle had just finished laying her eggs and was covering the hole.

Purple Martin at Lake Artemesia.

After a few slow days I decided to try a sure thing, and went back to Artemesia.

In truth, it wasn’t very exciting. The nesting period is about over, and birds are harder to find. I did see a few, but spent most of my time with the Purple Martins, who are still feeding young.

Lake Artemesia 39

Lake Artemesia.

Maylin 1

Maylin and her mother were feeding the ducks.

Robin 2016-10

Robins are still plentiful.

Wood Duck 2016-119

It’s been a while since I’ve seen Wood Ducks without chicks.

Goldfinch 2106-9

A small flock of Goldfinches was feeding on the island.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 2016-7

I haven’t seen a Blue Gray Gnatcatcher in a while.

Green Heron 2016-27

I saw five Green Herons this morning.

Purple Martin 2016-60

Purple Martins are tough on the dragonfly population.

Purple Martin 2016-61

Purple Martin 2016-62

Purple Martin 2016-63

Purple Martin 2016-58 Purple Martin 2016-69 Purple Martin 2016-68 Purple Martin 2016-67 Purple Martin 2016-66 Purple Martin 2016-65 Purple Martin 2016-64

Beaver 110

Two Beavers were out for a morning swim.

Daisy 3

This Daisy was all by itself.

Red Fox at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

I did the same routine again today;Sandy Point for a decent sunrise, then Terrapin and CBEC.

There weren’t a lot of birds at Sandy Point, nor Terrapin. Unusually slow.

CBCE was a little better, but the biting bugs were very thick. I found a few ordinary birds, then encountered a very tame Fox in the parking lot. He was quite calm, even though there were quite a few people around.

Sandy Point 234

Sandy Point 235

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Northern Flicker 2016-8

This Northern Flicker was singing for 10 minutes.

Osprey 2016-74

This Osprey was perched along the entrance road.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2016-10

This Ruby Throated Hummingbird appears to be a female.

Least Tern 2016-1

Least Tern 2016-2

I often see Least Terns fishing at CBEC.

Fox 50 Fox 49 Fox 47

Fox 51

It’s unusual to have a Fox cooperate so well.

Tree Swallows at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

I took a chance on Sandy Point again this morning, and got some decent images. There were a few more birds than usual, but still not a lot.

Terrapin was still slow, but I did find a few birds and a snake skin.

CBEC was an improvement. I spent some time with the Tree Swallows, then circled the lake. Wading birds are still in short supply, but things are improving.

Sandy Point 232

Sunrise at Sandy Point.


Sandy Point 229 Sandy Point 230

Sandy Point 231

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Marsh Pond 14

The Marsh Pond at Terrapin.

Mourning Dove 2016-7

I often skip Mourning Doves, but I liked the look of this pair.

Common Tern 2016-2

Common Terns often fish at CBEC.

Wood Duck 2016-118

Wood Ducks have been scarce at Terrapin this year.

Tree Swallow 2016-70 Tree Swallow 2016-69 Tree Swallow 2016-68 Tree Swallow 2016-67 Tree Swallow 2016-66 Tree Swallow 2016-65 Tree Swallow 2016-64 Tree Swallow 2016-63 Tree Swallow 2016-62 Tree Swallow 2016-61

Tree Swallow 2016-71

I spent 45 minutes with the CBEC Tree Swallows.

Rabbit 24

CBEC is overrun with Rabbits.

Snake Skin 1

Discarded snake skin.

Insect 769

Today’s Bug.

Muskrat 13

I don’t see a lot of Muskrats.


Cow Nosed Ray at Jonas Green Park.

Sandy Point offered only an unbroken gray wall of clouds, so I went right to Greenbury Point. I had an appointment this morning, and only had a short while to look around. There wasn’t much to see, and I didn’t get any images worth posting.

A quick stop at Jonas Green was equally frustrating, but I got an unusual look at a ray.

My appointment in downtown Annapolis was at a friend’s house who has a beautiful flower garden, so I took advantage of a break to get a few    photos.

Skate 2016-1

This Cow Nosed Ray was fishing near shore.

Jonas Green 16

A view from Jonas Green.

Song Sparrow 2016-10

I found this Song Sparrow at Jonas Green.

Campbell 1

Flower 83 Lily 11 Lily 10 Flower 82 Lily 9 Flower 81 Lily 8 Flower 80 Flower 79 Flower 78 Flower 77 Flower 76

Flower 75

Today’s flowers.

Eastern Kingbird at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

Sandy Point wasn’t great, but I got a couple of sunrise photos before heading to Terrapin. Terrapin as disappointing, with very few interesting birds.

CBEC was better, but the bugs were numerous and fierce. If there hadn’t been a decent breeze, I would have left much sooner.

Sandy Point 228

Sandy Point 227

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Indigo Bunting

I found this Indigo Bunting at Greenbury Point yesterday.

Snowy Egret 2016-14

Snowy Egret 2016-13

I couldn’t get a clear look at this Snowy Egret.

Green Heron 2016-26

This Green Heron was just close enough for a picture.

Barn Swallow 2016-24

You’ll always find Barn Swallows at CBEC in the Summer.

Redhead 2016-8

This Redhead should be far west and north of here.

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-39

A nice pose for this Red Winged Blackbird .

Osprey 2016-73

These Ospreys are nesting at Greenbury Point.

Osprey 2016-72

This Osprey flew by at CBEC.

Cardinal 2016-16

I love the hairdo on this Cardinal.

Eastern Kingbird 2016-25

Eastern Kingbird 2016-26 Eastern Kingbird 2016-27

Eastern Kingbird 2016-23

Eastern Kingbird 2016-24

This Eastern Kingbird was fiercely protecting his nest.

Diamondback Terrapin 5 Diamondback Terrapin 4

Diamondback Terrapin 3 Diamondback Terrapin 2

Diamondback Terrapin 1

I saw three Diamondback Terrapins today.

Moon 2016-1

I couldn’t pass up this full Moon.

Marsh Pond 12

Marsh Pond 13

Views of the marsh pond at Terrapin.


Yellow Breasted Chat at Greenbury Point.

I tried the Sandy Point sunrise again, and it was a bust. I hadn’t been to Greenbury in a while, so I gave it a try.

It wasn’t completely dead, but there wasn’t much to see, including bugs. Many birds have finished nesting now, so the activity level has dropped dramatically.

Greenbury Point 4 Greenbury Point 5

Greenbury Point 3

Views of Greenbury Point.

Cardinal 2016-15

Cardinals look good with a green background.

Great Blue Heron 2016-33

This Great Blue Heron flew overhead as I was walking the trail.

Osprey 2016-70

Osprey 2016-71

Many Ospreys nest at or near the point.

Mallard 2016-68

Mallard 2016-69

These Mallards were heading to the bay.

Yellow Breasted Chat 2016-2

Yellow Breasted Chats nest at Greenbury Point, but are heard more often than they’re seen.

Monarch 19

Today’s only worthwhile bug.

Flower 74

And a flower.

Orchard Oriole at Lake Artemesia.

I ran into Graeme at the lake this morning, and we made the rounds looking for bugs and birds. Bugs were scarce, but the birds were a bit better.

There wasn’t anything new, though, and I fear we’re entering the birding doldrums that often occur in early summer.

Lake Artemesia 34 Lake Artemesia 33 Lake Artemesia 32 Lake Artemesia 31 Lake Artemesia 30 Lake Artemesia 29 Lake Artemesia 28

Lake Artemesia 27

Views of Lake Artemesia.

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-38

Red Winged Blackbirds are numerous at the lake.

Goldfinch 2016-9

This female Goldfinch was in the shade.

Mockingbird 2016-8

I got one try at this Mockingbird before he flew off.

Snowy Egret 2016-12

I just barely caught this flight of 6-8 Snowy Egrets flying over the lake.

Eastern Kingbird 2016-22

This Eastern Kingbird can be found at the same spot every day.

Wood Duck 2016-112

It’s odd to see a Wood Duck on the asphalt trail.

Mallard 2016-67

This Mallard hen was hanging out with the Wood Ducks.

Wood Duck 2016-114 Wood Duck 2016-113

Wood Duck 2016-115

Several Wood Ducks with young are easy to find.

Green Heron 2016-24

Green Heron 2016-25

I was ready for this Green Heron when he took off.

Barn Swallow 2016-23

Barn Swallow 2016-22

I’m still surprised at how close you can get to a Barn Swallow.

Orchard Oriole 2016-17

Orchard Oriole 2016-18

This is as close as I’ve gotten to the Orchard Orioles at the lake.

Turtle 56 Turtle 55

Turtle 57

Graeme and I interrupted this turtle while she was trying to lay eggs.

Flower 73

Dogwood 1

Today’s flowers.



A Buggy Day at Governor Bridge.

I met Graeme early at Governor Bridge and we spent a few hours looking for bugs. We did see a few birds, but they were either uninteresting or too far away.

A couple of turtles broke up the day, and we found a few nice flowers. The milkweed plants provided some of the best bugs.

Barn 1

This barn is in the big field at the end of the entrance road.

GB Lake 6

GB Lake 5

The lake at Governor Bridge.

Daisy 2

Flower 71

Flower 72

Milkweed Flower 1

Fruit 1

Today’s flowers.

Beetle 24

Moth 213 Fritillary 5 Damsel Fly 39 Bee 220 Bee 219 Grasshopper 207 Dragonfly 69 Beetle 23 Fritillary 4 Fritillary 3 Beetle 22 Jewelwing 2 Damsel Fly 38 Praying Mantis 49 Crane Fly 7 Insect 768 Insect 767 Insect 766 Insect 765 Ladybug 48

Ladybug 49

Bee 218

Today’s Bugs.

Turtle 54

Turtle 53

We interrupted this turtle as she was laying eggs.

Skink 12

We found this Skink near the lake.

Graeme Simpson 2

Graeme Simpson, hard at work.