About Hugh


Surf Scoter at Thomas Point.

I started out at Sandy Point this morning, but the sunrise didn’t look like much, so I went to Jonas Greene Park, then Thomas Point. Jonas Greene had nothing at all, but Thomas Point was better, even though it was way too windy.

I also made a stop at Quiet Waters, but had no luck.

Later, after a nap, I went back to Thomas Point, which was still windy, but way warmer, and found a couple of good ducks.

Common Goldeneye 2017-28

This Common Goldeneye hen took off as I approached.

Surf Scoter 2017-8

Surf Scoter 2017-6

Surf Scoter 2017-7

This is a female Surf Scoter.


Lesser Scaup 2017-5

I was surprised to find these Lesser Scaup at Thomas Point, as they haven’t been there in a while.

Black Scoter at Thomas Point.

It was a much warmer, less windy day, and I stayed at Thomas Point longer than usual. The birds weren’t quite as cooperative, but it was pleasant just to sit and watch for a while.

I met some nice ladies who directed me to a place just down the road from the point, and I found some nice birds there as well.

Tundra Swan 2017-8 Tundra Swan 2017-7 Tundra Swan 2017-6

Tundra Swan 2017-5

I’m not sure why these Tundra Swans were making such a commotion.

Horned Grebe 2017-2 Horned Grebe 2017-1

Horned Grebe 2017-3

My first Horned Grebe of the season.

Hooded Merganser 2017-71 Hooded Merganser 2017-70 Hooded Merganser 2017-12

Hooded Merganser 2017-72

I found these Hooded Mergansers at Southbreeze Lane.

Great Blue Heron 2017-2

I spooked this Great Blue Heron.

Crow 2017-1

This Crow was very noisy.

Song Sparrow 2017-4

My Song Sparrow friend continues his quest.

Long Tailed Duck 2017-3

I found a single Long Tailed Duck when I first arrived.

Common Goldeneye 2017-26

Common Goldeneye 2017-27

There’s still a few Common Goldeneyes around.

Bufflehead 2017-23 Bufflehead 2017-22

Bufflehead 2017-25

Buffleheads continue to be the most common duck.

Surf Scoter 2017-5

Black Scoter 2017-3

This flock of Black Scoters flew in as I was watching some other birds.

Red Headed Woodpecker at Quiet Waters.

My site has been down for two days, which is most unusual. Although the fix was easy, Godaddy did a terrible job of getting me to the right person. They’ve been very good in the past, but they blew a lot of good will with this one.

I’ve  been to Sandy Point, Thomas Point and Quiet Waters recently, and found some good birds in good light. The Red Headed Woodpecker is rare for our area, and a nice find. Ducks are gathering at Thomas Point in much better numbers than last year, and Sandy Point is very active as well.

Sandy Point 471 Sandy Point 472 Sandy Point 474 Sandy Point 470

Sandy Point 473

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Lesser Scaup 2017-3

Thousands of ducks moving north before sunrise.

Lesser Scaup 2017-2

Lesser Scaup 2017-4

Lesser Scaup by dawn’s early light.

Song Sparrow 2017-2

Song Sparrow 2017-3

The same Song Sparrow who attacks my car regularly.

Tundra Swan 2017-4

Tundra Swans foraging near the point.

Bald Eagle 2017-4 Bald Eagle 2017-3

Bald Eagle 2017-5

This Bald Eagle has a small fish.

Common Goldeneye 2017-23 Common Goldeneye 2017-22 Common Goldeneye 2017-21 Common Goldeneye 2017-20 Common Goldeneye 2017-19 Common Goldeneye 2017-18 Common Goldeneye 2017-17

Common Goldeneye 2017-24

This is a male Common Goldeneye.

Red Breasted Merganser 2017-5 Red Breasted Merganser 2017-4 Red Breasted Merganser 2017-3 Red Breasted Merganser 2017-1

Red Breasted Merganser 2017-6

I saw more Red Breasted Mergansers than usual.

Bufflehead 2017-19 Bufflehead 2017-18 Bufflehead 2017-17 Bufflehead 2017-16 Bufflehead 2017-15

Bufflehead 2017-21

Buffleheads always seem slightly comical.

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker 2017-1

This Yellow Bellied Sapsucker is well camouflaged.

Pileated Woodpecker 2017-1

Pileated Woodpecker 2017-2

Pileated Woodpeckers are much easier to find.

Downy Woodpecker 2017-1

This Downy Woodpecker made for a four woodpecker day.

Hooded Merganser 2017-8 Hooded Merganser 2017-68 Hooded Merganser 2017-67

Hooded Merganser 2017-69

It was good to some Hooded Mergansers move in close enough for decent images.

Ring Billed Gull 2017-1

Ring Billed Gull 2017-2

Many Ring Billed Gulls were in the area.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-8 Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-7 Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-6 Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-5 Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-4 Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-3 Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-2 Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-1

Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-9

It’s unusual to find a Red Headed Woodpecker in AA county.

Common Goldeneye at Thomas Point.

It was really cold this morning, so I waited for sunrise before venturing out.

I went straight to Thomas Point in hopes of finding some ducks closer in to the point, and I got lucky.

There was a noisy juvenile Eagle at the point, and several small groups of ducks foraging close to the point. They stayed around for a while, moving in and out, and eventually took off to the South.

Bald Eagle 2017-2

This juvenile Bald Eagle was very noisy.

Black Scoter 2017-2

A few Black Scoters were feeding alongside the Buffleheads.

Bufflehead 2017-12 Bufflehead 2017-11 Bufflehead 2017-10 Bufflehead 2017-9

Bufflehead 2017-5 Bufflehead 2017-4

Bufflehead 2017-8 Bufflehead 2017-6

Bufflehead 2017-13

A small flock of Buffleheads stayed nearby.

Common Goldeneye 2017-16

Common Goldeneye 2017-14 Common Goldeneye 2017-13 Common Goldeneye 2017-11 Common Goldeneye 2017-10 Common Goldeneye 2017-9 Common Goldeneye 2017-8 Common Goldeneye 2017-7 Common Goldeneye 2017-6 Common Goldeneye 2017-5 Common Goldeneye 2017-4 Common Goldeneye 2017-3

Common Goldeneye 2017-15

There was an unusual number of Common Goldeneye hens.


Long Tailed Duck at Thomas Point.

We had a little snow last night, so I left a bit later than usual.

Thomas Point had a few birds, but most were too far out for good images. I think it’s just a matter of staying long enough for them to  move in closer.

I also stopped at Quiet Waters, which was slow, but provided a couple of images.

Tundra Swan 2017-2

This Tundra Swan was along the entrance road.

Bufflehead 2017-3

This lone Bufflehead hen was also at Quiet Waters.

Great Blue Heron 2017-1

This Great Blue Heron was surrounded by Mallards.

Hooded Merganser 2017-3

Hooded Merganser 2017-2

Hooded Merganser 2017-4

Hooded Merganser 2017-1

These Hooded Mergansers were at Quiet Waters.

Long Tailed Duck 2017-2

This Long Tailed Duck was just close enough.

Surf Scoter at Thomas Point.

The Sandy Point sunrise was better than usual this morning. I didn’t see much in the way of good birds, so I set out early for Thomas Point.

It was good to see the point looking a lot more active. Hundreds of various ducks were there, and many were close enough for decent pics. I’m sure I’ll go back soon.

Sandy Point 466


Sandy Point 468


Sandy Point 467

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Surf Scoter 2017-1

Surf Scoter 2017-3

Surf Scoter 2017-2

I haven’t seen Surf Scoters in quite a while.

Tundra Swan 2017-1

Two Tundra Swans flew over the point.

Black Scoter 2017-1

These appear to be White Winged Scoters.

Lesser Scaup 2017-1

A few Lesser Scaup flew off shortly after I arrived.

Bufflehead 2017-1

Bufflehead 2017-2

Buffleheads were very active.

Long Tailed Duck 2017-1

I only saw one Long Tailed Duck.

Common Goldeneye 2017-2

Common Goldeneye 2017-1

I wish the Common Goldeneyes had been a little closer.


Snow Geese at Blackwater NWR.

There’s still not much to see around here, so I went back to Blackwater this morning.

The fog was serious, but the weatherman said it was going to clear, and he was right, but it took a long time.

Birds were relatively scarce this morning, and the light was awful, but I did what I could.

Hooded Merganser 2016-17

Hooded Mergansers remain very skittish.

Bald Eagle 2016-131

Bald Eagles weren’t as plentiful as usual.

Northern Shoveler 2016-16

Northern Shoveler 2016-18

Northern Shoveler 2016-17

There were more Northern Shovelers than usual.

American White Pelican 2016-7

Why are these American White Pelicans always in the same spot?

Tundra Swan 2016-29

A few Tundra Swans were feeding in the marsh.

Snow Goose 2016-13

Snow Goose 2016-12

Large flocks of Snow Goose flew over the marsh.

American Coot at Lake Artemesia.

I went to Artemesia this morning to see if anything new has arrived, and I was out of luck. The Trumpeter Swan is still around, and a few other ducks, but  not a lot of variety.

I also stopped at Buddy Attick afterward, but it continues to disappoint.

Lake Artemesia 76


Lake Artemesia 75

Lake Artemesia at dawn.

Trumpeter Swan 2016-30

Trumpeter Swan 2016-31

The Trumpeter Swan draws a big audience.

Carolina Wren 2016-11

It’s been a while since I posted a Carolina Wren

Hooded Merganser 2016-16

This is one of the rare days I could get decent look at the Hooded Mergansers.

Canada Goose 2016-45

Canada Geese were arriving all morning.

Ring Necked Duck 2016-33

Ring Necked Ducks are still plentiful.

American Coot 2016-8

There were many American Coots at the lake today.


Northern Shoveler at Blackwater NWR.

I was undecided as to where to go yet again. I hate going places where there’s nothing to shoot, and I’m not crazy about driving long distances. Something to shoot won out, so I headed to Blackwater, which is about an hour and a half drive.

It wasn’t really great, but it was good enough.  There wasn’t the variety I’ve come to expect at this time of year, but a quick stop at Oakley Street made up for it. The locals feed the ducks there, and you can usually find a good variety of birds, fairly close to shore.

Lesser Scaup 2016-8

I haven’t seen many Scaup this year.

Bald Eagle 2016-130

Bald Eagle 2016-129

I saw fewer Bald Eagles than usual.


Downy Woodpecker 2016-16

I don’t often see Downy Woodpeckers at Blackwater.

Bufflehead 2016-31

A lone Bufflehead was feeding with the geese.

Great Blue Heron 2016-111

This Great Blue Heron was the first bird I saw.

Canvasback 2016-23

Many Canvasbacks were eagerly waiting for a meal.

Redhead 2016-11

Only a few Redheads were present.

Hooded Merganser 2016-15

Hooded Merganser 2016-14

Hooded Merganser 2016-13

The Hooded Mergansers were very skittish.

Mallard 2016-96

There are still more Mallards than any other type of duck.

Northern Shoveler 2016-14

There were only a few Northern Shovelers.

Song Sparrow at Thomas Point.

I was at a loss as to where to go this morning, so I went with Sandy Point in hopes of a good sunrise. It was not to be. I got a few birds and a half ass sunrise , then went to Thomas Point.

The Thomas Point birds seem to be staying further out this year, so it’s tough to get good photos.

Sandy Point 463

Dawn at Sandy Point.

Canvasback 2016-21

Canvasback 2016-22

Canvasbacks can be sound along Thomas Point Road.

Tundra Swan 2016-28

Tundra Swans will be around all winter.

Ring Billed Gull 2016-10

This Ring Billed Gull has found some kind of shellfish.

Seagull 2016-5

Seagull silhouette.

Bufflehead 2016-30

These Bufflehead were waiting for the Sun to rise.

Song Sparrow 2016-25

Song Sparrow 2016-24

I heard a tap, tap, tapping-and when I turned around, this Song Sparrow was pecking at his reflection on the hood of my car.