I usually make a bird the star in the title, but I found a nice Beaver this morning, who posed almost completely out of the water. Unusual, in my experience.
A few migrants are starting to show up, but I can’t say much good about the poses.
I usually make a bird the star in the title, but I found a nice Beaver this morning, who posed almost completely out of the water. Unusual, in my experience.
A few migrants are starting to show up, but I can’t say much good about the poses.
It’s been slow for a few days. The migrants are here, but they seem to bypass me most of the time.
This was my second trip to Wooton’s recently, and there’s just not much there yet.
I went to Possum Point this morning and found a few Ospreys, but it was too cloudy to expect much.
I made a brief trip to Truxtun Park this afternoon, and it was slow also.
I know migration is starting, but it doesn’t seem to be starting for me. Not much to see anywhere this morning, even at Sandy Point. I was lucky to find the Fox.
Terrapin was particularly barren, and CBEC had fewer birds than usual.
I got back to the regular routine today-Sandy Point (Another bust), Terrapin (Very slow), and then CBEC, which was also slow. I know others are finding good birds, so my luck just isn’t very good.
I did get another look at the Cackling Goose and the Great Horned Owl, but there wasn’t much else going on.
With excellent weather promised, I decided to give Blackwater one last try for the season, and it worked out OK.
Most of the ducks are gone, the Eagles are very active, and a few Sandpipers are showing up.
Now it’s time to start looking for warblers.
I met Darlene and Graeme at Lake Artemesia this morning. Â Darlene is thinking of getting a larger lens, and wanted to try mine. It’s a bit heavy for her, but I think she’s going to get one.
There were plenty of birds to choose from today, and there were plenty of photographers, also. The weather was perfect. Migration is well under way, and we did well. No warblers yet, but Egrets and Terns made up for that.
It was a little windy and cool this morning, but I started at Sandy Point anyway. It was a total bust-a boring sky and no hint of m ore colors, so I got to Terrapin earlier than usual.
It’s starting to pick up there, but it’s still slow, even though I saw 5 Ospreys fishing, and a friend saw 10, later. A few Palm Warblers and Snowy Egrets helped
CBEC Â was a bit better, with the Cackling Goose, more Ospreys, ducks and Nuthatches.
There’s an Owl cam at CBEC, and this is the first time I’ve spotted the Great Horned Owl, who may be sitting on eggs.
The little goose to the left is the Cackling Goose. Cornell: “The newly recognized Cackling Goose is a smaller version of the Canada Goose. Formerly considered the smallest subspecies of one variable species, recent work on genetic differences found the four smallest forms to be very different. These four races are now recognized as a full species: the Cackling Goose. It breeds farther northward and westward than does the Canada Goose.”
With good weather promised, I made the trek to Bombay Hook to see if I could get a better variety of birds. I got lucky-many Sandpipers and wading birds have moved in, and there’s still plenty of ducks and raptors.
The Avocets are always a treat, and the Little Blue Heron is the first I’ve seen in breeding plumage.
It was the first nice day in a long time. Lake Artemesia seemed as good a guess as any, so I got there early.
Wood Ducks and Grebes were active, as well as Canada Geese and a few Cormorants. I stayed abut three hours and got a few nice pics.
The weather hasn’t been much good, but I got out anyway. I sill have a lot to learn about lousy light photography.
I’m hearing about some good birds elsewhere, but I’m not seeing much on the Eastern Shore.
Perhaps I’ll try some new places next week.