After yesterday’s bonanza, I decided to try Terrapin again. It wasn’t nearly as good, but I got some good pics and a bird I don’t see often.
I spent an hour at CBEC as well, but didn’t see much at all.
The weatherman originally called for rain this morning, but we got a cloudy and cool sky instead, so I gave Lake Artemesia a try.
It started out OK, with a couple of Wood Ducks and a few other migrants, but fizzled out after an hour or so. Still, I think migration is in full swing now, and we’re going to have a few good weeks.
The weather has been sucky and migrating birds scarce. I’ve been getting out most days, but finding interesting birds has been a challenge.
Today was a little better, but it was very cloudy, which makes for lousy light. I ran into a couple of interesting people and spent as much time yakking as taking photos.
I wanted to get to Bombay Hook once more before the weather got too warm, and today looked to be a good chance.
There were plenty of birds to choose from, including many eagles and my first Black-necked Stilt. Â There were hundreds of Sandpipers as well.
Many photographers were there as well, and they seemed to be very interested in the eagles.
I wanted to get to Bombay Hook once more before the weather got too warm, and today looked to be a good chance.
There were plenty of birds to choose from, including many eagles and my first Black-necked Stilt. Â There were hundreds of Sandpipers as well.
Many photographers were there as well, and they seemed to be very interested in the eagles.