About Hugh


Ruby Throated Hummingbird at Blackwater NWR.

It’s still slim pickings around here, so I went back to Blackwater this morning. It was the right choice. There’s no noticeable migration, and the wading birds were scarce, but other birds made up for it, along with a few butterflies.

Bald Eagle 2017-152

Bald Eagle 2017-151

This Bald Eagle greeted me early this morning.

Purple Martin 2017-39

Purple Martin 2017-40

A few Purple Martins are still hanging around the visitor center.

Catbird 2017-8

This Catbird landed at my feet as I was watching the Hummingbirds.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-26 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-24 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-23 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-22 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-21 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-20 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-19 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-18 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-17 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-16 Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-15

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-25

The Hummingbirds were very active, probably gaining weight for migration.

Great Egret 2017-105

I found this Great Egret along Wildlife Drive.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-66

This is a juvenile Red Headed Woodpecker.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-67

The Red Headed Woodpeckers are still very active.

Forster's Tern 2017-69

This young Forster’s Tern was along Key Wallace Drive.

Bobolink 2017-2

Yet another Bobolink.

Grasshopper Sparrow 2017-7 Grasshopper Sparrow 2017-6

Grasshopper Sparrow 2017-8

The Grasshopper Sparrow seems to stay in one place.

Palamedes Swallowtail 2 Palamedes Swallowtail 1 Cloudless Sulphur 5 Cloudless Sulphur 4 Cloudless Sulphur 3 Monarch 52 Wasp 24

Common Buckeye 16

Today’s bugs.


Caspian Terns at Sandy Point State Park.

The weather has been iffy for a couple of days, and the light was sucky, but I managed to get out for a little while.

There is definitely some migration going on, but I haven’t seen any warblers yet. Still, there’s lots of activity and it won’t be long.

Blue Grosbeak 2017-9

This Blue Grosbeak was at Greenbury Point yesterday.

Cardinal 2017-12

This Cardinal seemed to be curious.

Goldfinch 2017-16

Goldfinches are almost commonplace lately.

Chipping Sparrow 2017-5

This appears to be a young Chipping Sparrow.

House Finch 2017-2

Female House Finches are a bit drab.

Winter Wren 2017-2

Winter Wren 2017-3

This is the second time I’ve found a Winter Wren at Greenbury Point.

Laughing Gull 2017-8

Seagull 2017-2

This is a young seagull.

Caspian Tern 2017-29 Caspian Tern 2017-28 Caspian Tern 2017-27 Caspian Tern 2017-25 Caspian Tern 2017-24

Caspian Tern 2017-23

There looked to be 15-20 Caspian Terns at Sandy Point.

4Dragonfly 113 Dragonfly 113 Dragonfly 112 Insect 797 Wasp 23 Wasp 22 Butterfly 65

Spider 276

Today’s Bugs.


Bobolink at Bombay Hook.

I heard yesterday there were good birds at Bombay Hook, so I made the trek this morning. This is not my favorite thing, but I want to find good birds when I go looking, so you do what you gotta’.

I was pleasantly surprised to find two lifers, neither of which was the bird mentioned. I’ll settle for that. Actually, there was heavy fog for an hour and a half, so I was lucky to find the birds I did.

Forster's Tern 2017-67 Forster's Tern 2017-65 Forster's Tern 2017-64 Forster's Tern 2017-63 Forster's Tern 2017-62 Forster's Tern 2017-61

Forster's Tern 2017-60

Forster’s Terns were present in good numbers.

Least Sandpiper 2017-7 Least Sandpiper 2017-6 Least Sandpiper 2017-5

Least Sandpiper 2017-8

Many Least Sandpipers are in every part of the refuge.

Laughing Gull 2017-7

I’m seeing Laughing Gulls in many places now.

Eastern Kingbird 2017-30

Eastern Kingbirds are still very active.

Blue Grosbeak 2017-7

Blue Grosbeak 2017-8

I heard this Blue Grosbeak singing, but it took a while to find him.

Goldfinch 2017-15

Many Goldfinches forage along the road through the marsh.

Great Egret 2017-102 Great Egret 2017-101 Great Egret 2017-100

Great Egret 2017-103

I like the look of Great Egrets in a tree.

Black Crowned Night Heron 2017-7

Black Crowned Night Heron 2017-8

This is a juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron.

Bald Eagle 2017-150

This Bald Eagle seems to be in the same tree every time I visit.

Dowitcher 2017-1

Short-billed Dowitcher 2017-2

This Short-billed Dowitcher is a life bird for me.

Bobolink 2017-1

This is a Bobolink, a bird I’ve often heard of, but haven’t seen until today.


Grasshopper Sparrow at Blackwater NWR.

I made the trek to Blackwater again, in hopes of getting some more good birds, and it worked out. The wading birds are still AWOL, but others are taking their place.

It was a busy morning, and I took more pics than usual, including a lot of Purple Martins.

Blackwater Dawn 22

Blackwater dawn.

Double Crested Cormorant 2017-35 - Copy Double Crested Cormorant 2017-35 Double Crested Cormorant 2017-34


Double Crested Cormorant 2017-33

I started by trying to get another Double Crested Cormorant with a fish.


Eastern Kingbird 2017-28 Eastern Kingbird 2017-27 Eastern Kingbird 2017-26

Eastern Kingbird 2017-29

This Eastern Kingbird is feeding a chick.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-13

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2017-14

I just barely caught this Ruby Throated Hummingbird.

Forster's Tern 2017-58

Forster's Tern 2017-59

The Forster’s Terns were closer to shore than usual.

Goldfinch 2017-14

This Goldfinch was a nice find.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-64 Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-63 - Copy Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-63 Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-62

Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-65

The Red Headed Woodpeckers were noisy and active this morning.

Belted Kingfisher 2017-5

I haven’t seen a Belted Kingfisher in quite a while.

Purple Martin 2017-34 - Copy Purple Martin 2017-34 Purple Martin 2017-33 Purple Martin 2017-32 Purple Martin 2017-31 Purple Martin 2017-30 Purple Martin 2017-29 Purple Martin 2017-28 Purple Martin 2017-27

Purple Martin 2017-35

I spent too much time trying to capture Purple Martins in flight.

Grasshopper Sparrow 2017-4

Grasshopper Sparrow 2017-5

This Grasshopper Sparrow was right in front of the visitor center.

Eastern Tailed-Blue Butterfly 5

Today’s Bugs.

Wasp 21 Butterfly 64 Skipper 53


Eastern Bluebird at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

I tried Greenbury Point after yesterday’s rain, and did better than usual. There’s definitely some migrants passing through.

Today was the usual routine, Sandy Point, Terrapin and CBEC.  Not much of a sunrise, but I did see a few more migrants. I didn’t get any  great images. Perhaps migration will be early and prolific this Fall.

I went to Quiet Waters this afternoon and found a few bugs.

Eastern Kingbird 2017-25

Eastern Kingbirds are in every place I visit.

Green Heron 2017-27

Green Heron 2017-26

Green Herons are fond of CBEC.

Red Tailed Hawk 2017-3

I just missed a chance for a better look at this Red Tailed Hawk.

Cardinal 2017-11

I don’t post many female Cardinals.


Great Crested Flycatcher 2017-11Great Crested Flycatcher 2017-10

Great Crested Flycatcher 2017-9

I used to see more Great Crested Flycatchers.


Great Egret 2017-99

I found a single Great Egret at Terrapin.

Wood Duck 2017-84

Young Wood Ducks are thriving at Terrapin,.

Yellow Billed Cickoo 2017-1

Yellow Billed Cuckoos are tough to find at Greenbury Point.

Sparrow 2017-1

My guess is juvenile Chipping Sparrow.

Goldfinch 2017-13

Goldfinches are doing very well this year.

Indigo Bunting 2017-5

This may be a young Indigo Bunting.

Eastern Bluebird 2017-12

It was nice to find some Eastern Bluebirds this morning.

Fly 1126

I’ve seen many of these flies without getting a good shot.

Moth 217

I haven’t seen this moth before.

Little Blue Heron at Terrapin Nature Park.

Sandy Point was good enough this morning-not spectacular, but worth a photo.

Terrapin was much more interesting, including a Little Blue Heron, which I haven’t seen there in the past, and a few migrants.

CBEC was slow, with only a few waders, Barn Swallows and some Green Herons.

Sandy Point 494

Sandy Point 495

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-27

Several Greater Yellowlegs were searching for food in the lake.

Chickadee 2017-10

This Chickadee posed nicely.

Green Heron 2017-25

CBEC seems to have more Green Herons than usual.

Orchard Oriole 2017-21

This Orchard Oriole may have been passing through.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 2017-9

I haven’t seen a Blue Gray Gnatcatcher for a while.

Flycatcher 2017-1

This appears to be an Eastern Wood Peewee.

Cardinal 2017-10

I found this Cardinal as I was leaving.

Snowy Egret 2017-68 Snowy Egret 2017-67

Snowy Egret 2017-65

A few Snowy Egrets were feeding in the marsh.

Great Egret 2017-98

This Great Egret is from Bombay Hook.

Forster's Tern 2017-57 Forster's Tern 2017-55

Forster's Tern 2017-56

Forster's Tern 2017-54

At Terrapin, Forster’s Terns often fish too far away for a good shot.

Snowy Egret 2017-66

Little Blue Heron 2017-6 Little Blue Heron 2017-5 Little Blue Heron 2017-4 Little Blue Heron 2017-3


Little Blue Heron 2017-2

This Little Blue Heron has a small stick. which he used to stir up the water to attract small fish.

Double Crested Cormorant at Blackwater NWR.

It looked like good weather, so I went back to Blackwater this morning. I’ve been told the Cormorants like to fish at dawn, so I spent some time trying to catch them, and had a little luck. They tend to surface with their catch in their mouths, then swallow it quickly, so it took good timing to catch them at the right moment.

I did the usual rounds on Wildlife Drive, and spent a little time at the visitor center looking for butterflies, without much luck.

Double Crested Cormorant 2017-31

The gang hanging around at the dock.

Dock 3

Another look at the dock.

Purple Martin 2017-23

Purple Martin 2017-24

Purple Martin 2017-22

There’s a few Purple Martins hanging around the visitor center.

Song Sparrow 2017-8

I’m not sure yet, but this may be a Grasshopper Sparrow.

Osprey 2017-103

This Osprey was looking for breakfast.

Great Blue Heron 2017-81

Great Blue Herons are far more patient than I am.

Chickadee 2017-9

Chickadees can often be found near the nuthatches.

Catbird 2017-6

I haven’t seen a Catbird in quite a while.


Orchard Oriole 2017-20

Orchard Oriole 2017-19

The Orchard Oriole had a nest at the visitor center.


Forster's Tern 2017-53

A few Forster’s Terns seem to feed regularly at Blackwater.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-61

The Red Headed Woodpeckers are still very active.

Great Egret 2017-96

I like the way Great Egrets look in a tree.

Brown Headed Nuthatch 2017-25

Brown Headed Nuthatches are easy to find, with a little patience.

Double Crested Cormorant 2017-30Double Crested Cormorant 2017-29

Double Crested Cormorant 2017-28

The Cormorants were very active in the early light.

Butterfly 63

Yesterday’s lone butterfly.

Forster’s Tern at Bombay Hook, NWR.

I set out for Blackwater this morning, failed to pay attention and ended up in Bombay Hook. Oh, well, it worked out.

There weren’t as many wading birds, and birds in general were in short supply, but there were enough to keep me very busy for a while.

I got some good reflection shots, and the Forster’s Terns were very cooperative.

Someone must be feeding the Foxes, because 3 young ones approached me and seemed very tame.

We had rain yesterday morning, but I got to Quiet Waters for a while to experiment with my macro setup. I’ve been putting the Raynox 150 on the Nikkor 70-300, and I can get some really good results if I can mange the focus, which can be tricky as you’re so close.

American Copper 1

This is an American Copper Butterfly, a first for me.

Great Blue Heron 2017-79 Great Blue Heron 2017-78

Great Blue Heron 2017-80

This Great Blue Heron seemed to be studying his reflection.

Forster's Tern 2017-49 Forster's Tern 2017-48 Forster's Tern 2017-47 Forster's Tern 2017-46 Forster's Tern 2017-45 Forster's Tern 2017-44 Forster's Tern 2017-43 Forster's Tern 2017-42 Forster's Tern 2017-41

Forster's Tern 2017-50

Several Forster’s Terns were fishing and feeding young.

Great Egret 2017-94

Great Egret 2017-95

I saw the possibilities in this pair of Great Egrets, and it turned out well.

Red Winged Blackbird 2017-101

Red Winged Blackbirds are everywhere in the marsh.

Common Yellowthroat 2017-5

Common Yellowthroat 2017-6

I spotted this Common Yellowthroat and was lucky to get close enough for a decent image.

Black Crowned Night Heron 2017-

Black Crowned Night Herons seem to always be in the same area (Bear Swamp Pool).

Eastern Kingbird 2017-24

Several Eastern Kingbirds were flycatching in the marsh.

Bald Eagle 2017-147

Bald Eagle 2017-148

These Bald Eagle seemed content to observe the passing cars.

Laughing Gull 2017-6

I found this Laughing Gull at dawn.

Goldfinch 2017-12

Many Goldfinches were foraging along the roadside.

Killdeer 2017-11

There were more Killdeer than usual.

Butterfly 62 Insect 796 Katydid 14 Insect 795 Caterpillar 227 Tussock Moth Nymph 8 Insect 794 Skipper 52 Skipper 51 Dragonfly 110 Dragonfly 109 Dragonfly 108 Butterfly 61 Skipper 50 Insect 793 Dragonfly 107 Dragonfly 106 Dragonfly 105 Dragonfly 104 Dragonfly 103 Butterfly 60

Monarch 50

Yesterday’s bugs.

Least Sandpiper at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

Sandy Point was much better to me this morning, with a decent sunrise.  There were far too many fishermen, however, so I’ll avoid the place on weekends in the future.

I skipped Terrapin altogether and went straight to CBEC, which had pretty much the same cast as yesterday, with the addition of an eagle.

I made a brief stop at Quiet Waters this afternoon, and found a few decent bugs.

Sandy Point 491

Sandy Point 492

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Snowy Egret 2017-62 Snowy Egret 2017-61

Snowy Egret 2017-60

A few Snowy Egrets flew over early.

Forster's Tern 2017-40

Forster's Tern 2017-39

Forster’s Terns are still very active.

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-26

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-25

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-24

This Greater Yellowlegs was foraging near me.

Tri-colored Heron 2017-4 Tri-colored Heron 2017-3

Tri-colored Heron 2017-5

The Tr-colored Herons are still hanging out.

Osprey 2017-101

A single Osprey was cruising the lake.

Eastern Kingbird 2017-23

Eastern King birds are often found in pairs.

Bald Eagle 2017-145

Bald Eagle 2017-146

This probably a 4-5 year old Bald Eagle.

Least Sandpiper 2017-4

I see Least Sandpipers in many places.

Dragonfly 109 Dragonfly 108 Butterfly 61 Skipper 50 Insect 793 Dragonfly 107 Dragonfly 106 Dragonfly 105 Dragonfly 104 Dragonfly 103 Butterfly 60 Butterfly 59 Dragonfly 102

Dragonfly 110

Today’s bugs.




Tri-colored Heron at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

Sandy Point failed me again. There’s a web site that’s supposed to predict sunrise colors, and it’s proving to be worthless.  Not a single image.

Terrapin was a disappointment as well, so I left there sooner than usual and went to CBEC. I’d heard there was a Fox showing up recently, and I saw it right away. I found it later as well, but couldn’t get a shot.

The lake was  well populated with egrets, herons and a few Ibises, as well as Osprey and sandpipers. A very good morning.


I was lucky to catch this White Tailed Deer before she disappeared.

Fox 77

This Fox looked to be chasing a rabbit.

Snowy Egret 2017-59

There were 30-40 Snowy Egrets and several Great Egrets on the lake.

Common Yellowthroat 2017-3

Common Yellowthroat 2017-4

I don’t often see Common Yellowthroat Warblers at CBEC.

Least Sandpiper 2017-3

A flock of 15-20 Least Sandpipers was foraging around the edge of the lake.

Forster's Tern 2017-36

Forster's Tern 2017-37

It’s my week for Forster’s Terns.

Osprey 2017-99

This Osprey is carrying nesting material very late in the season.

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-23

A few Greater Yellowlegs were feeding with the Egrets.

Tri-colored Heron 2017-1

Tri-colored Heron 2017-2

I haven’t seen a Tr-colored Heron at CBEC for two years.

Green Heron 2017-24

I was just barely able to see this Heron in the phragmite.

Glossy Ibis 2017-14

2-3 Glossy Ibis were feeding with the Egrets.

Barn Swallow 2017-31

A dozen or so Barn Swallows are still hanging out at CBEC.

Cardinal 2017-9

This Cardinal has found a Praying Mantis.

Brown Thrasher 2017-9

Brown Thrasher 2017-8

This Brown Thrasher has a very large bug I don’t recognize.