About Hugh


Little Blue Heron at Wooton’s landing.

I heard a good report about Wooton, so I made the trek and got there around sunrise. I saw a Fox run into the bushes, and a quick look around suggested there were some birds to be found.

I spent about 2 hours on the lower trail and searching the pond near the river, and got some good results. I suspect there were many more interesting birds than I found, but the foliage gets thick in places, and the birds are quick. I’ll probably go back very soon.

Prothonotary Warbler 2018-3

Prothonotary Warbler 2018-2

Several Prothonotary Warblers were feeding near the marsh ponds.

Indigo Bunting 2018-1

I found this Indigo Bunting at Sands Road.

Orchard Oriole 2018-3

This Orchard Oriole was also at Sands Road.

Orchard Oriole 2018-2

Common Yellowthroat 2018-1

Wooton is a good place to find Common Yellowthroats.

Yellow Rumped Warbler 2018-4

A few Yellow Rumped Warblers are still lingering.

Solitary Sandpiper 2018-1

Two Solitary Sandpipers were feeding in the pond near the river.

Tree Swallow 2018-20

These Tree Swallows are preparing to mate.

Yellow Warbler 2018-1

This is a female Yellow Warbler.

Little Blue Heron 2018-2 Little Blue Heron 2018-1

Little Blue Heron 2018-3

Today’s prize: I have seen only a few Little Blue Herons, and most of them were juveniles. This is my second adult.


Black Billed Cuckoo at Governor Bridge Natural Area.

Migration is well under way, but the warblers continue to evade me. I’ve been lucky enough to find a few interesting migrants, but others are finding pockets of warblers that I’m not.

I got out to some old spots in the last few days, and birds were relatively scarce in general. It’s still relatively early, though, so I may get lucky soon. In the meantime I’ll settle for the few good birds that came my way.

Tri-colored Heron 2018-1

I found this Tricolored Heron at CBEC this morning. It’s rare for this time of year.

Green Heron 2018-3

Green Herons are noisy birds who will announce their presence if alarmed.

Least Sandpiper 2018-1

A small flock of Least Sandpipers was foraging at Terrapin.

Veery 2018-1

I found this Veery at Truxtun Park. A rare bird for me.

Red Eyed Vireo 2018-1

I didn’t see many Red Eyed Vireos last year.

Swamp Sparrow 2018-1

This Swamp Sparrow was at Governor Bridge.

Magnolia Warbler 2018-1

My only good warbler so far this year, a male Magnolia Warbler.

Black Billed Cuckoo 2018-2

Black Billed Cuckoo 2018-1

The Black Billed Cuckoo is somewhat threatened. They nest north of here. I’ve only seen two of these birds, and the other was at Governor Bridge, a hundred yards from this one.

Baltimore Oriole at Buddy Attick Lake Park.

The dearth of migrants has continued for several days, now, along with so-so weather. Today was a big improvement, but warblers are still among the missing, so far.

I’ve managed a few outings, recently, but haven’t had enough good material for a post. I’m including several days of photos today.

The Chat, the Oriole and the Gadwall were all good finds and may bode well for the future.

Lake Artemesia 103

Lake Artemesia.

Mallard 2018-19

There’s always a few Mallards around.

Wood Duck 2018-31

This Wood Duck has 8-9 chicks.

Eastern Kingbird 2018-1

This is only the second Eastern Kingbird I’ve seen this year.

Gadwall 2018-3

It’s quite unusual to see a Gadwall around here at this time of year.

Pied Billed Grebe 2018-5


Pied Billed Grebe 2018-6

This Pied Billed Grebe seems to be a little late to migrate.

Canada Goose 2018-20 Canada Goose 2018-19

Canada Goose 2018-22

I’ve seen several Canada Geese with goslings.

Yellow Breasted Chat 2018-1

I found this Yellow Breasted Chat at Greenbury point.

Tree Swallow 2018-19

This Tree Swallow was gathering nesting material at CBEC.

Brown Thrasher 2018-1

A Brown Thrasher at CBEC.

Catbird 2018-1

My FOS Gray Catbird.

Osprey 2018-17 Osprey 2018-16

Osprey 2018-18

The CBEC Ospreys are still nest-building.

Purple Martin 2018-5

This Purple Martin is at Blackwater.

Orchard Oriole 2018-1

An Orchard Oriole singing for a mate.

Red Winged Blackbird 2018-10

Red Winged Blackbirds are singing in every marsh.

Bald Eagle 2018-32 Bald Eagle 2018-34 Bald Eagle 2018-31

Bald Eagle 2018-33

These Bald Eagles were enjoying the morning Sun.

Yellow Rumped Warbler 2018-3

Yellow Rumped Warblers have mostly left the area.

Palm Warbler 2018-7

Palm Warblers were everywhere for a few days.

House Sparrow 2018-1

I don’t often post House Sparrows.

Cardinal 2018-8

Cardinals seem to be singing from every tree.

Fox 95 Fox 96 Fox 97

Fox 98

This Fox has found a Muskrat for breakfast.


Canada Geese at Lake Artemesia.

It’s been a cold, wet Spring, and we’re not getting  the numbers of migrants we expect.  I’m getting out most days, but searching, mostly in vain, for warblers and other species who should be here by now. This has happened before, and it’s disappointing, but the show will go on.

I went to Artemesia this morning, after trying some disappointing local spots in recent days, and did OK. No great birds, but a couple of good enough shots.

The weather is getting warmer, and I expect things to pick up soon.

Lake Artemesia 102

Lake Artemesia.

Wood Duck 2018-29 Wood Duck 2018-28 Wood Duck 2018-27

Wood Duck 2018-30

This Wood Duck has been guarding his nest box.


White Throated Sparrow 2018-2

White Throated Sparrows often linger well into Spring.

Downy Woodpecker 2018-5

Downy Woodpeckers have been very conspicuous lately.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 2018-3

Many Blue Gray Gnatcatchers were feeding near the water.

Prothonotary Warbler 2018-1

I found this Prothonotary Warbler at Wooton’s Landing.

White Eyed Vireo 2018-1

This White Eyed Vireo was singing loudly at Wooton.

Canada Goose 2018-15 Canada Goose 2018-17 Canada Goose 2018-14 Canada Goose 2018-13

Canada Goose 2018-16

These Canada Goslings followed their parents very closely.

Green Winged Teal at Bombay Hook NWR.

Some day I’ll get a plan and figure out the best way to spend my photo taking time.  I’m not getting the action I want around here, and the best places are a fair distance away. Anyway, I went to Bombay Hook again, and got some good results.

I was pleasantly surprised to see many birds, especially herons and egrets, but some migrating ducks and a Northern Harrier added to the fun. It’s almost always worth the drive, even though I’m not a fan of the trip.

Bobolink 2017-101 Bobolink 2017-102

Bobolink 2017-100

There’s a field full of Bobolinks near Bear Swamp Pool.


Caspian Tern 100

I found this Caspian Tern at Sandy Point yesterday.

Double Crested Cormorant 2017-100

Double Crested Cormorant 2017-101

Double Crested Cormorant 2017-102

I was lucky to catch this Double Crested Cormorant as he was taking off.


Greater Yellowlegs 2017-100

Many Greater Yellowlegs feed at Bombay Hook.

Mallard 2017-100

A Mallard pair.

Northern Harrier 2017-100

Northern Harrier 2017-101

I saw this Northern Harrier on the side of the road, and was able to follow her briefly.

Savannah Sparrow 2017-100

Savannah Sparrow 2017-101.JPG

This appears to be another Savannah Sparrow, a bird I seldom see.

Snowy Egret 2017-1

I was surprised this Snowy Egret let me get this close.

Northern Harrier 2017-104

Northern Shoveler 2017-2

This shows the comparative size of the 19″ Northern Shoveller and the Green Winged Teal (14″).

Red Headed Woodpecker at Blackwater NWR.

There’s not much going on around here, so I made the trip to Blackwater again. I’ve been trying to get there in time for a little sunrise work., and it came out OK.

Eagles were more active than usual, but no significant migrants showed up. A noisy woodpecker got my attention for a good shot.

Blackwater Dawn 28

Blackwater Dawn.

Bald Eagle 2017-170 Bald Eagle 2017-169 Bald Eagle 2017-168 Bald Eagle 2017-167 Bald Eagle 2017-166 Bald Eagle 2017-165

Bald Eagle 2017-171

I definitely saw more Bald Eagles than usual today.

Great Egret 2017-136

This lone Great Egret was relaxing on Wildlife Drive.

Forster's Tern 2017-125

Forster's Tern 2017-124

Forster’s Terns will remain at Blackwater for some time yet.

Eastern Kingbird 2017-39

There’s still a few Eastern Kingbirds along Wildlife Drive.

Sanderling 2017-3

I found this Sanderling at Sandy Point yesterday.

Caspian Tern 2017-49 Caspian Tern 2017-48 Caspian Tern 2017-47

Caspian Tern 2017-50

A few Caspian Terns are still hanging out at Sandy Point.

Osprey 2017-106

This Osprey was the only image I got at Terrapin yesterday.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2017-78


This very noisy Red Headed Woodpecker got my attention.

Wasp 44 Differential Grasshopper 13 Caterpillar 234 Leatherwing 8 Bee 235 Wasp 43 Differential Grasshopper 12 Moth 222 Wasp 42 Wasp 41 Wasp 40 Insect 808

Beetle 31

Two days worth of bugs.

Green Tree Frog 12

Green Tree Frog 13

I’m still finding many small Tee Frogs.



Blue Grosbeak at Blackwater NWR.

We’re due for a short period of foul weather, so I made the trek to Blackwater this morning to improve my chances of a good day.

It worked out OK.  There’s still not a lot of birds, but the variety was good, and the weather was better than the reports suggested it would be.

I found more passerines than usual, but not much in the way of migrants.

Dock 7

The dock on Key Wallace Drive.

Blackwater Dawn 27

Blackwater Dawn.

Field Sparrow 2017-3

I haven’t seen many Field Sparrows anywhere lately.

Common Yellowthroat 2017-11

Common Yellowthroats will be migrating South soon.

Green Heron 2017-34

I wanted just a little better light for this Green Heron.

Belted Kingfisher 2017-34 Belted Kingfisher 2017-33

Belted Kingfisher 2017-35

I wasn’t quite ready for this Belted Kingfisher, who flew in as I walked by.

Double Crested Cormorant 2017-42 Double Crested Cormorant 2017-41 Double Crested Cormorant 2017-40

Double Crested Cormorant 2017-43

I turned just in time to catch this Double Crested Cormorant swallowing his catch.

Caspian Tern 2017-46

This appears to be a Caspian Tern, and I don’t often see them at Blackwater.

Forster's Tern 2017-122

Many Forster’s Terns are feeding at Blackwater.

Great Blue Heron 2017-91

Great Blue Heron 2017-92

Great Blue Herons are the dominant wader at the moment.

Bald Eagle 2017-163 Bald Eagle 2017-162

Bald Eagle 2017-164

Bald Eagles are slightly more visible now.

Blue Grosbeak 2017-13

Blue Grosbeak 2017-14

I’ve only seen a few Blue Grosbeaks at Blackwater.

Delmarva Fox Squirrel 24

Delmarva Fox Squirrel 23

I walked right into this Delmarva Fox Squirrel, who wasn’t as skittish as some of his fellow squirrels.

Wasp 38

Today’s bugs.

Katydid 15 Wasp 39

Savannah Sparrow at Bombay Hook NWR.

I met Graeme early, and we drove to Bombay Hook to see if we could get lucky. There have been Ibises seen, and it’s well into migration, so anything was possible.

It was not to be. There were certainly plenty of birds in good light, but nothing out of the ordinary save a very nice Savannah Sparrow.

We spent some time with the Egrets and Terns, and found some Sandpipers willing to come quite close. Not a great day, but good enough.

Snowy Egret 2017-78 Snowy Egret 2017-77 Snowy Egret 2017-76 Snowy Egret 2017-75 Snowy Egret 2017-74


Snowy Egret 2017-79

Many Snowy Egrets were feeding in the marsh.

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-31 Greater Yellowlegs 2017-30

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-32

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-33

I don’t often get this close to a Greater Yellowlegs.

Forster's Tern 2017-113

Forster’s Terns were feeding quickly.

Forster's Tern 2017-114

Forster's Tern 2017-118Forster's Tern 2017-117Forster's Tern 2017-115

Great Blue Heron 2017-90

This Great Blue Heron shows how the light was nearly perfect.

Great Blue Heron 2017-89

Savannah Sparrow 2017-1

I haven’t seen a Savannah Sparrow in quite a while.


Chestnut-sided Warbler at Terrapin Nature Park.

I was at Sandy Point for sunrise, and didn’t take a single picture.  That’s a lot of trips I’ve made without a decent sunrise.

I went to Terrapin afterwards, and it was a very active day. Many migrants were on the move, and I saw lots of movement in many different areas of the park. I didn’t get as many images, nor as much variety as I’d like, but it was good enough.

Flycatcher 2017-2

This Flycatcher was the first bird I found this morning.

Cedar Waxwing 2017-12

A small flock of Cedar Waxwings was roaming the park.

Palm Warbler 2017-7

I was lucky to spot this Palm Warbler.

Osprey 2017-105

This Osprey will be heading South soon.

Great Crested Flycatcher 2017-15

I saw several Great Crested Flycatchers this morning.

Scarlet Tanager 2017-1

This Scarlet Tanager is on the way South.

Red Eyed Vireo 2017-5

This Red Eyed Vireo took off just as I pressed the shutter.

Baltimore Oriole 2017-16

This Baltimore Oriole was a surprise.

Chestnut Sided Warbler 2017-2

Chestnut Sided Warbler 2017-3

Several Chestnut-sided Warblers flew through my area.

Grasshopper 220 Wasp 35 Fly 1127 Ant 44 Insect 805

Caterpillar 233

Today’s bugs.

Green Tree Frog 8

I found 5 of these small Frogs this afternoon.

Skink 17

Five Lined Skinks are numerous at Quiet Waters.

Brown Headed Nuthatch at Blackwater NWR.

With good weather promised, I decided to try a trip to Blackwater this morning. It wasn’t any kind of bonanza, but I did find a few interesting birds.

There’s still only a few wading birds compared to a few weeks ago, and I don’t know what to make of that.

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-29

I found only a single Greater Yellowlegs.

Field Sparrow 2017-2

This appears to be a Field Sparrow.

Killdeer 2017-13

Killdeer are started to appear in larger numbers.

Eastern Kingbird 2017-38

Several Eastern Kkingbirds are stiil flycatching on Wildlife Drive.

Barn Swallow 2017-38

A mixed flock of Tree and Barn Swallows was foraging along Wildlife Drive.

Great Blue Heron 2017-88

Severall Great Blue Herons were fishing in the marsh.

Bald Eagle 2017-160

Bald Eagle 2017-161

This Bald Eagle was making a lot of noise.

Great Egret 2017-133

Great Egret 2017-134

This Great Egret had much of the marsh to himself.

Forster's Tern 2017-111 Forster's Tern 2017-110

Forster's Tern 2017-112

Forster’s Terns like to hang out on theses pilings.

Brown Headed Nuthatch 2017-30 Brown Headed Nuthatch 2017-29

Brown Headed Nuthatch 2017-28

These Brown Headed Nuthatches appeared to be having a lot of fun.

Delmarva Fox Squirrel 22

Delmarva Fox Squirrel 21

This Delmarva Fox Squirrel was just barely in range.

Fox 84

This Fox was prowling around the visitor center.


Blackwater Dawn 25

Blackwater Dawn 26

Blackwater Dawn.