About Hugh


Woodpecker v. Crayfish at Blackwater NWR.

Occasionally, I run into a situation that’s so extraordinary that it needs  its own post, and that’s what happened today.

I was looking for Red Headed Woodpeckers when one landed in the grass quite nearby. He was immediately engaged with some kind of prey in the tall grass, but I couldn’t see what it was. As I moved closer, I was able to get better images, but things were moving quickly, and I didn’t really have a good overall picture of the situation until I looked at the images in the camera.

I’ve edited some of the images and uploaded them with captions to add some clarity to a special moment.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-10

This is just after the bird (A Red Headed Woodpecker) has landed on the road.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-17

The woodpecker has spied the crayfish.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-18

He takes a closer look at the crayfish.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-13

The crayfish isn’t going to go easily.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-12

Who’s going to win the battle?

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-11

Another attack by the crayfish.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-14

Up and away.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-15

Here, the battle has ended and he’s taking his prize home.


Mute Swan at Bombay Hook NWR.

It’s that time of year when birds are getting scarce, so I took a chance on Bombay Hook this morning. The bugs were held down by a relatively low temperature and just enough breeze.  It was the right place to be to find birds, also.

The pools were actually relatively sparsely populated, but there were enough birds in close to get a few decent pics. A snapping turtle and a leopard frog helped out also.

Now, if they’d just move Bombay Hook closer to Annapolis.

Purple Martin 2018-15 Purple Martin 2018-14 Purple Martin 2018-13 Purple Martin 2018-12

Purple Martin 2018-16

There is a large Purple Martin colony at Bombay Hook.

Black Necked Stilt 2018-12 Black Necked Stilt 2018-11

Black Necked Stilt 2018-13

I found only a few Black Necked Stilts this morning.

Bald Eagle 2018-44

This Bald Eagle was enjoying a sunny morning high in a tree.

American Avocet 2018-9

A flock of American Avocets was foraging in the marsh.

Tree Swallow 2018-24

Many Tree Swallows nest at Bombay Hook.

Barn Swallow 2018-6

I found this Barn Swallow on the boardwalk trail.

Catbird 2018-2

I found this Catbird on the marsh boardwalk.

Least Sandpiper 2018-8

Least Sandpipers were not as numerous as last week.

Least Sandpiper 2018-7

Least Sandpiper 2018-8

Least Sandpipers were not as numerous as last week.

Eastern Kingbird 2018-9

Eastern Kingbird 2018-10

Several Eastern Kingbirds were feeding in the high grass near the road.

Red Winged Blackbird 2018-16Red Winged Blackbird 2018-15

Wood Duck 2018-36

I saw two Wood Ducks this morning.

Orchard Oriole 2018-8Great Egret 2018-16Great Egret 2018-15Great Egret 2018-14Great Egret 2018-13

Great Egret 2018-17

This Great Egret stayed in one place for quite a while.

Goldfinch 2018-3

Many Goldfinches feed along the roadside.

Black Skimmer 2018-19 Black Skimmer 2018-18 Black Skimmer 2018-17 Black Skimmer 2018-16 Black Skimmer 2018-15

Black Skimmer 2018-20

Only a few Black Skimmers were present this morning.

Bald Eagle 2018-43

Snowy Egret 2018-4

The Snowy Egrets stayed quite distant.

Mute Swan 2018-6

A single Mute Swan was cruising in the marsh.

Snapping Turtle 34

I found two Snapping Turtles crossing the road.

Frog 16

This Leopard Frog was quite cooperativve.

Black Skimmer at Bombay Hook NWR.

I don’t usually go to Delaware this late in the year because the bugs can be ferocious. I took a chance anyway, as it’s been very slow around here. I’ve also been cooped up with a bad wheel bearing, which took a few days (And $266.00) to fix.

Bombay Hook was well populated with birds, including the first Skimmers I’ve seen there. My first experience with these birds was years ago in Florida. They’re fun to watch. There were also a few other interesting birds, so it was a worthwhile trip. It’s likely to be Fall before I go again.

Black Necked Stilt 2018-9

Black Necked Stilt 2018-8

Black Necked Stilt 2018-7

This Black Necked Stilt appears to be nesting.

Bald Eagle 2018-41 Bald Eagle 2018-42

Bald Eagle 2018-40

Several Bald Eagles were resting near the road.

American Avocet 2018-7 American Avocet 2018-8

American Avocet 2018-6

A few distant American Avocets were foraging in the marsh.

Snowy Egret 2018-3

I saw only a few Snowy Egrets.

Wood Duck 2018-35

Black Crowned Night Heron 2018-3

This is a juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron.

Red Winged Blackbird 2018-14

You can’t fo far without seeing a Red Winged Blackbird.

Crow 2018-4

This Common Yellowthroat was reluctant to turn around.

Black Skimmer 2018-3Black Skimmer 2018-4Black Skimmer 2018-5Black Skimmer 2018-6Black Skimmer 2018-7Black Skimmer 2018-8Black Skimmer 2018-9 Black Skimmer 2018-2

Black Skimmer 2018-1

It’s fascinating to watch these Black Skimmers slice through the water in search of fish.


Snapping Turtle 32

This Snapping Turtle was crossing the road at the refuge.


Blue Angels at Truxtun Park.

The Blue Angels made their annual visit for USNA graduation last week, and I went to the park near my home to get a closer look.

They make two runs each year, the first being a rehearsal the day before USNA graduation. That  run was in very poor light, and the images were hardly worth viewing. The following day was much better.

Blue Angels 54Blue Angels 42Blue Angels 43Blue Angels 44Blue Angels 45Blue Angels 46Blue Angels 47Blue Angels 48Blue Angels 49Blue Angels 50Blue Angels 51Blue Angels 52Blue Angels 53

Willet at Bombay Hook NWR.

It’s getting to be very late in migration, which means birds will be getting harder to find for a while. In past years I’ve avoided Bombay Hook in late Spring, as the bugs are supposed to be quite fierce. I may have been lucky, but I didn’t have a problem.

I didn’t see much in the way of warblers, but shore birds were present in good numbers. Least Sandpipers were foraging in the thousands.

I found a large bird at Bear Swamp Pool, which I hadn’t seen before, and it’s been ID’d as a Willet, It’s named for the sound of its call.

Purple Martin 2018-9 Purple Martin 2018-8

Purple Martin 2018-7

There’s a large Purple Martin colony at the visitor center.


Eastern Kingbird 2018-7

Eastern Kingbirds are nesting at Bombay Hook.

Bald Eagle 2018-37 Bald Eagle 2018-36

Bald Eagle 2018-39

I saw more Bald Eagles than usual today.

Least Sandpiper 2018-4 Least Sandpiper 2018-5 Least Sandpiper 2018-3

Least Sandpiper 2018-6

Thousands of Least Sandpipers were feeding on the mudflats.

Goldfinch 2018-2

Goldfinch 2018-1

Goldfinches are common along the road.

Tree Swallow 2018-23

Tree Swallows are thriving at Bombay Hook.

Black Necked Stilt 2018-5

Black Necked Stilt 2018-6

I found only a few Black Necked Stilts.

Blue Grosbeak 2018-1

Blue Grosbeaks seem to hang out close to the water.

Great Blue Heron 2018-20

Many Great Blue Herons were fishing in the marsh.

Great Egret 2018-12

Dozens of Egrets were foraging in the shallow water.

Snapping Turtle 30

Snapping Turtle 31

This Snapping Turtle was moving quickly though the mud.


Orchard Oriole at Blackwater NWR.

It appears we’re going to have a few good days now, so I took off for Blackwater this morning and did well. I was surprised at the lack of wading birds, especially egrets and herons, but there were enough others to keep life interesting.

I spent more time at the visitor center than usual, and it paid off. No matter how many times you visit a place, there’s always more to learn.

Blackwater Dawn 49

Blackwater Dawn.

Eastern Kingbird 2018-5

Eastern Kingbird 2018-6

This Eastern Kingbird was gathering nesting material.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-6 Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-5 Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-4

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-7

The Red Headed Woodpeckers were very active.

Eastern Towhee 2018-3

This Eastern Towhee was at Greenbury Point.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird 2018-1

This Ruby Throated Hummingbird was also at Greenbury Point.

Orchard Oriole 2018-6

Orchard Oriole 2018-7

Orchard Orioles are nesting near the visitor center.

Turtle 79

Snapping Turtle 29

Turtles will be easy to find for a couple of months, as they look for paces to lay theri eggs.


Common Loon at Lake Artemesia.

The unsettled weather seems to be ending. We’ve had rain,clouds and serious winds for several days, which kept me almost completely out of action.

I decided on Artemesia as it was a weekend and traffic is considerably lighter as a rule. As I get older, I dislike traffic even more.

Artemesia was good to me, if not a bonanza. The Loon was a nice surprise, and a friend pointed out a couple of snakes, which I seem to miss most of the time. A few other cooperative birds made for a decent morning.

I stopped at Truxtun Park in the afternoon and found a couple of birds as well.

House Sparrow 2018-2

House Sparrow 2018-3

I don’t often pay much time attention to House Sparrows, but this brightly colored Spring male caught my eye.

Canada Goose 2018-29 Canada Goose 2018-28

Canada Goose 2018-26

Canada Goslings are numerous at this time of year.

Canada Goose 2018-25 Canada Goose 2018-24 Canada Goose 2018-23

Canada Goose 2018-27

Several Canada Geese were bathing at Truxtun Park.

Eastern Kingbird 2018-4

This Eastern Kingbird was flycatching at Lake Artemesia.

Wood Duck 2018-33

Wood Ducks with chicks will soon be numerous at Artemesia.

Eastern Kingbird 2018-3

Eastern Kingbird 2018-4

This Eastern Kingbird was flycatching at Lake Artemesia.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 2018-5

A Blue Gray Gnatcatcher was singing loudly.

Red Winged Blackbird 2018-12

Red Winged Blackbird 2018-13

When you picture a MD marsh, you have to include numerous Red Winged Blackbirds.

Mallard 2018-22

A Mallard has temporarily left her nest.

Canada Goose 2018-26

Canada Goslings are numerous at this time of year.

Mallard 2018-21

There’s a few Mallards at every lake.

Common Loon 2018-5 Common Loon 2018-4

Common Loon 2018-6

When I find a Common Loon I always spent too much time trying to get the best look.

Eastern Box Turtle 6

Eastern Box Turtle 5

I found this Eastern Box Turtle crossing the road and gave him a hand.

Turtle 78

This Painted Turtle was sunning at Lake Artemesia.

Black Rat Snake 5

This Black Rat Snake stayed in the same spot for an hour or more.

Rough Green Snake 3

I don’t see Rough Green Snakes often.

Mandarin Duck at a Friend’s House.

A friend posted some photos of a Mandarin Duck she found in her yard, and I was so intrigued I drove over in the rain and commuter traffic to try to get a look.

It paid off. One of these beautiful birds was in Edgewater a few years ago, and I didn’t get a look at the time, so this was a good day.

A couple of other birds made the trip very worthwhile.

Spotted Sandpiper 2018-6

I was lucky to find this Spotted Sandpiper in the rocks near shore.

Mallard 2018-20

I don’t recall seeing a duckling eat a worm before.

Mandarin Duck 2018-2 Mandarin Duck 2018-1

Mandarin Duck 2018-3

A Mandarin Duck, often called the most beautiful of the ducks. Probably an escapee from a zoo, or a pet, as they are natives of Asia.

Dunlin at Bombay Hook NWR.

It’s been slow birding for nearly  a week. We had some rain as well, so I’m getting behind. I managed to get out a little bit, so I’m including a compilation of my trip to Bombay Hook and a few lecent local images.

I’m still not finding warblers like I want to, but at least I’m seeing a few migrants.

Indigo Bunting 2018-3

Indigo Bunting 2018-4

Indigo Buntings are reliable at Greenbury Point.

Great Crested Flycatcher 2018-2 Great Crested Flycatcher 2018-1

Great Crested Flycatcher 2018-3

I’ve always liked Great Crested Flycatchers.

Tree Swallow 2018-21

Osprey 2018-19

This Osprey was at CBEC.

Great Egret 2018-10Great Egret 2018-9Great Egret 2018-8

Great Egret 2018-11

Great Egrets are also here in numbers.

Semipalmated Plover 2018-1

Semipalmated Plover 2018-2

I found these Semi-Palmated Plovers at Terrapin.

Eastern Bluebird 2018-9 Eastern Bluebird 2018-8

Eastern Bluebird 2018-10

I used to see many more Eastern Bluebirds than I’m finding recently.

Yellow Warbler 2018-3

I would have liked better lighting for this Yellow Warbler.

Snowy Egret 2018-2

Snowy Egrets are plentiful now.

Tree Swallow 2018-22

Treer Swallows are thriving everywhere I go.

Sandpiper 2018-1

I don’t often see Least Sandpipers on the road.

Black Necked Stilt 2018-3

A few Black Necked Stilts were feeding on the flats.

Bald Eagle 2018-35

You can usually find a few Bald Eagles at Bombay Hook.

Mute Swan 2018-4 Mute Swan 2018-3

Mute Swan 2018-5

Mute Swans are considered pests, and I don’t see many near the bay any more.

Red Winged Blackbird 2018-11

It wouldn’t be a marsh without Red Winged Blackbirds.

Common Yellowthroat 2018-3

Common Yellowthroat 2018-2

You’ll often find Common Yellowthroats near the water’s edge.

Marsh Wren 2018-2

This Marsh Wren is a first for me.

Eastern Bluebird 2018-9

Eastern Bluebird 2018-8

Eastern Bluebird 2018-10

I used to see many more Eastern Bluebirds than I’m finding recently.

Dunlin 2018-1

Dunlin 2018-2

I’ve seen Dunlins before, but not this close.

Eastern Box Turtle 6

Eastern Box Turtle 5

I saw this Eastern Box Turtle crossing the road, and gave him a hand.

Blackpoll Warbler at Wooton’s Landing.

After yesterday’s good luck, it made sense to try Wooton again. It wasn’t as good, but I found a few good birds that made it worthwhile.

As is often true during migration, I found a couple of other birders at Wooton, and both Dave and Brad were very helpful. They can hear warblers much better than I can.

I made a short stop at Sands Road, as I often do when visiting Wooton.

I’m already wondering where to go tomorrow.

Indigo Bunting 2018-2

I found this Indigo Bunting at Sands Road Park.

Yellow Warbler 2018-2

This Yellow Warbler led me a merry chase before I got a decent image.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 2018-4

There seem to be fewer Blue Gray Gnatcatchers than in previous years.

Orchard Oriole 2018-4

This Orc hard Oriole was also at Sands Road.

Yellow Billled Cuckoo 2018-1

This Yellow Billed Cuckoo was the first bird I found this morning.

Blackpoll Warbler 2018-1

Blackpoll Warbler 2018-2

I seldom see Blackpoll Warblers, even during migration.