About Hugh


Short Billed Dowitcher at Bombay Hook.

With good weather forecast, I travelled to Delaware and the Bombay Hook NWR.  It’s not much further than Blackwater, and they get shorebirds that never appear at Blackwater.

It was crowded early, with many different species, and some were in large numbers. There were some nice flyover birds as well.

I got a few decent images, and was a little surprised that most of the birds disappeared a couple of hours after I arrived.

Tree Swallow 2019-7

Tree Swallow 2019-8

Tree Swallows were numerous.

Snowy Egret 2019-3

There will be more Snowy Egrets later in the season.

Northern Shoveler 2019-19

Good light makes the male Northern Shoveler really stand out.

Northern Shoveler 2019-18 Northern Shoveler 2019-17 Northern Shoveler 2019-16

Northern Shoveler 2019-20

This Northern Shoveler hen is foraging in the marsh.

Greater Yellowlegs 2019-2

Greater Yellowlegs will also be more numerous in a few weeks.

Great Blue Heron 2019-32 Great Blue Heron 2019-31 Great Blue Heron 2019-30 Great Blue Heron 2019-29 Great Blue Heron 2019-28 Great Blue Heron 2019-27 Great Blue Heron 2019-26 Great Blue Heron 2019-25 Great Blue Heron 2019-24

Great Blue Heron 2019-33

Many Great Blue Herons were fishing.

Great Egret 2019-7

A single Great Egret was present.

American Avocet 2019-2 American Avocet 2019-1

American Avocet 2019-3

The American Avocet is a striking bird when in breeding plumage.

Blue Winged Teal 2019-4

I don’t see Blue Winged Teal very often.

Northern Shoveler 23019-15

This Black Duck was just chillin’.

Black Necked Stilt 2019-1

I saw only one Black Necked Stilt, and was lucky to get this shot.

Short Billed Dowitcher 2019-1

Short Billed Dowitcher 2019-2

Bombay Hook is the only place I’ve seen Short Billed Dowitcher.

Snowy Egrets at Terrapin Nature Park.

I started at Sandy Point, where the sunrise didn’t materialize at all. Too many clouds and fog. The fog stayed around much of the morning.

I went to Terrapin next. I was hoping for some early warblers (Like every year) but it was not to be. The Egrets were a treat, and first of the year.

On to CBEC. I spent some time with the Tree Swallows before circling the lake. There were plenty of ducks, but they stayed well out in the middle.  The Ospreys were kind enough to pose a few times.

A decent morning.

Red Breasted Merganser 2019-3

These Red Breasted Mergansers were a surprise.

Tree Swallow 2019-5

Tree Swallow 2019-6

These Tree Swallows may be squabbling over a nest box.

Osprey 2019-14 Osprey 2019-13 Osprey 2019-12 Osprey 2019-11 Osprey 2019-10

Osprey 2019-15

These Ospreys are still building their nest.

Lesser Scaup 2019-27

These Lesser Scaup are lingering a while.

Wood Duck 2019-50

Wood Duck 2019-51

I found Wood Ducks at Both CBEC and Terrapin.

Snowy Egret 2019-1

Snowy Egrets!

Merlin at Lake Artemesia.

I went to bed last night sure that I was going to Schoolhouse Pond this morning, but the car drove to Lake Artemesia instead. I suppose a relatively sure thing has its attractions.

The usual suspects were present, although there’s nothing usual about the Long Tailed Ducks who should be well North of here by now.

Some birds were quite cooperative, and the excellent weather was a big help.

I would not have found the Merlin without help, so thank you, Nathan.

Lake Artemesia 125

The gazebo at Lake Artemesia.


Swamp Sparrow 2019-1

This Swamp Sparrow may have just arrived.

Long Tailed Duck 2019-47

Two Long Tailed ducks have been attracting birders for several days.

Caspian Tern 2019-3 Caspian Tern 2019-2 Caspian Tern 2019-1

Caspian Tern 2019-4

This Caspian Tern was fishing successfully.

Wood Duck 2019-48 Wood Duck 2019-47 Wood Duck 2019-46 Wood Duck 2019-45 Wood Duck 2019-44 Wood Duck 2019-43

Wood Duck 2019-49

Many Wood Ducks were foraging near shore.

Canada Goose 2019-21

A small flock of Canada Geese was resting on the lake.

Merlin 2019-1

This Merlin was well hidden and hard to find.



Long Tailed Duck at Lake Artemesia.

I went back to Artemesia yesterday, as no local place is standing out for migrants. For some reason, Artemesia seems to get more accidentals than other places I visit.

I picked a good day. The LT Ducks have been there a few days, and I found several other good birds as well. Many birders were visiting as well.

A quick stop at Buddy Attick didn’t find much interesting.

Cardinal 2019-1

This female Cardinal had her eye on me.

Northern Shoveler 23019-14

I found this Northern Shoveler at Buddy Attick.

Forster's Tern 2019-1

Forster’s Terns aren’t often seen at Artemesia.

Pied Billed Grebe 2019-4

2 Pied Billed Grebes were cruising the lake.

Yellow Rumped Warbler 2019-1

First Yellow Rumped Warbler of the year.

Wood Duck 2019-41 Wood Duck 2019-40 Wood Duck 2019-39 Wood Duck 2019-38 Wood Duck 2019-37

Wood Duck 2019-42

Wood Ducks were very active today.

Long Tailed Duck 2019-46

Long Tailed Duck 2019-45

These birds are supposed to use freshwater lakes in the colder months, but this is the first time I’ve seen one I’ve seen outside the Chesapeake Bay.

Tree Swallows at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

I started out at Sandy Point this morning, and got some decent sunrise images.  The Sun is rising further to the North now, so the Possum Point sunrise is less impressive.

I went straight to CBEC, but later in the season I’ll stop at Terrapin also.

There’s still a lot of ducks at CBEC. They’re probably the usual suspects, but are too far out to see with binoculars. I did find  a few ducks on the pond, along with a nesting Osprey pair.

A quick stop at Quiet Waters was fruitless, which is a little odd for this time of year.

Sandy Point Lighthouse 4

A flock of Cormorants flew past the lighthouse.

Sandy Point 537

Dawn at Sandy Point.

Crow 2019-2

This Crow is building a nest nearby.

Mallard 2019-31

These Mallards will probably nest in the area.

Northern Shoveler 23019-13

A few Northern Shovelers are still lingering.

Tree Swallow 2019-4

Tree Swallows are occupying the many nest boxes at CBEC.


Morning Dove at Quiet Waters Park.

It’s been a longish dry spell for decent bird images. I’ve been getting out every day, but I’m not finding any migrants even though I know they’re around.

I got to Lake Artemesia yesterday, and did better than at other places, so that will have to do.

This year seems slower than previous years.

Lake Artemesia 124

Lake Artemesia.

Osprey 2019-9

There’s been an Osprey nest on this ballfield light for at least 7 years, and probably many more.

Canada Goose 2019-19Canada Goose 2019-18Canada Goose 2019-17Canada Goose 2019-16

Canada Goose 2019-20

This Canada Goose seemed very relaxed at Quiet Waters Park.

Wood Duck 2019-35 Wood Duck 2019-34

Wood Duck 2019-36

A Wood Duck pair was checking out a nest box at Lake Artemesia.

Pied Billed Grebe 2019-3

A few Pied Billed Grebes were fishing at Artemesia.

Great Blue Heron 2019-23

I saw several Great Blue Herons.

Mourning Dove 2019-1

This Mourning Dove eyed me at Quiet Waters.

Beaver 148

This Beaver wasn’t in any hurry to swim the lake.

Wood Ducks at Lake Artemesia.

I like Artemesia on the weekends because there’s very little traffic to deal with. The weatherman promised sun with light winds, and he delivered.

There was a Loon reported yesterday, but I (And several other photographers) had no luck finding it. That was OK because there was a good variety of species and good light. Many of the birds cooperated by getting usefully close.

A good morning, over all.

Lake Artemesia 123

Lake Artemesia.

Osprey 2019-6

This Osprey flew right at me.

Mallard 2019-29 Mallard 2019-28

Mallard 2019-30

Several Mallards were flying around the lake.

Pied Billed Grebe 2019-2

This Pied Billed Grebe is in breeding plumage.

Lesser Scaup 2019-26

Many Scaup were foraging on the lake.


Canvasback 2019-33

A single Canvasback was hanging out.

Crow 2019-1

A flock of Crows was very noisy.

Horned Grebe 2019-2

This Horned Grebe is also in breeding plumage.

Tree Swallow 2019-3

This Tree Swallow seems to be annoyed about something.

Wood Duck 2019-32 Wood Duck 2019-30 Wood Duck 2019-31 Wood Duck 2019-29

Wood Duck 2019-33

Several Wood Ducks seem to be nesting nearby.

American Wigeon at Oakley Street.

I got up early, determined to give Blackwater a try even though it’s early in the season. It wasn’t a waste, but the good birds just weren’t there.

A few Eagles put on a show, and there were plenty of Northern Shovellers, but not much else.

I stopped at Oakley Street for a while and got e few decent shots of the last of the season’s ducks.

Bald Eagle 2019-13

Bald Eagle 2019-12

Bald Eagles are active at this time of year.

Canvasback 2019-32

A few Canvasbacks are still lingering.

Lesser Scaup 2019-25

Scaup were well represented in the crowd of ducks.

Redhead 2019-13

Redhead 2019-14

A few Redheads were feeding near shore.

Northern Shoveler 23019-11

Northern Shoveler 23019-12

Many Northern Shovellers were foraging in the marsh.

Song Sparrow 2019-7

Dozens of Song Sparrows were in the area.

American Wigeon 2019-10 American Wigeon 2019-9

American Wigeon 2019-11

I see more American Wigeons at Oakley Street than any other place.

American Wigeon at Lake Artemesia.

It was a sunny morning at Artemesia, and there was a large variety of waterfowl, probably more than I’ve seen before.

I started with Northern Shovelers at the North end, then Wigeons a hundred yards further on. I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen Wigeons at Artemesia before.

I made three or four circuits, and had a nice morning. I’m not showing images of everything, as some stayed too far away for good images.  I suspect this was a little migratory spurt, and it was welcome.

Eastern Bluebird 2019-1

This is my first good Eastern Bluebird of the year.

Tree Swallow 2019-2

The Tree Swallows have arrived!

Double Crested Cormorant 2019-19

A few Double Crested Cormorants were fishing.

Canvasback 2019-31

The Canvasback male was foraging near shore.

Northern Shoveler 23019-10

This Northern Shoveler pair flew right by me.

Ring Necked Duck 2019-10 Ring Necked Duck 2019-9

Ring Necked Duck 2019-11

This Ring Necked female was swimming with her mate.

Pied Billed Grebe 2019-1

First Pied Billed Grebe of the season.

American Wigeon 2019-

I wish this American Wigeon had been a little closer.



Ring Necked Ducks at Lake Artemesia.

I flipped the coin and chose Artemesia this morning. It was kind of dreary and gray, but I figured it was worth a try.

The first hour was slow, not much light and a bit cold. The good part was that there was a large variety of birds, and about 200 Canada Geese.

I walked the loop 3 times, and almost had the place to myself. I did a little better than I had expected.

Common Goldeneye 2019-20

Yet another Common Goldeneye at Artemesia.

Double Crested Cormorant 2019-17

Double Crested Cormorant 2019-18

Several Double Crested Cormorants were fishing.

Canvasback 2019-29

Canvasback 2019-30

Only a few Canvasbacks were patrolling the lake.

Wood Duck 2019-23

Wood Duck 2019-24

A single pair of Wood Ducks was paddling about.

Northern Shoveler 23019-9

A few Northern Shovelers were foraging near shore.

Bufflehead 2019-37

Bufflehead 2019-36

Why do Buffleheads have pink feet?

Ring Necked Duck 2019-7Canada Goose 2019-14

Canada Goose 2019-15

The low light enhances this Canada Goose’s image.

Common Goldeneye 2019-19

Ring Necked Duck 2019-6

Note how the male Ring Necked Duck is firmly holding the hen with his beak, as they mate.

Ring Necked Duck 2019-5

This Ring Necked Duck has a firm grip on the hen’s head as they mate.


Ring Necked Duck 2019-8

A few Ring Necked Ducks were foraging.