Tri-colored Heron at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

Sandy Point failed me again. There’s a web site that’s supposed to predict sunrise colors, and it’s proving to be worthless.  Not a single image.

Terrapin was a disappointment as well, so I left there sooner than usual and went to CBEC. I’d heard there was a Fox showing up recently, and I saw it right away. I found it later as well, but couldn’t get a shot.

The lake was  well populated with egrets, herons and a few Ibises, as well as Osprey and sandpipers. A very good morning.


I was lucky to catch this White Tailed Deer before she disappeared.

Fox 77

This Fox looked to be chasing a rabbit.

Snowy Egret 2017-59

There were 30-40 Snowy Egrets and several Great Egrets on the lake.

Common Yellowthroat 2017-3

Common Yellowthroat 2017-4

I don’t often see Common Yellowthroat Warblers at CBEC.

Least Sandpiper 2017-3

A flock of 15-20 Least Sandpipers was foraging around the edge of the lake.

Forster's Tern 2017-36

Forster's Tern 2017-37

It’s my week for Forster’s Terns.

Osprey 2017-99

This Osprey is carrying nesting material very late in the season.

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-23

A few Greater Yellowlegs were feeding with the Egrets.

Tri-colored Heron 2017-1

Tri-colored Heron 2017-2

I haven’t seen a Tr-colored Heron at CBEC for two years.

Green Heron 2017-24

I was just barely able to see this Heron in the phragmite.

Glossy Ibis 2017-14

2-3 Glossy Ibis were feeding with the Egrets.

Barn Swallow 2017-31

A dozen or so Barn Swallows are still hanging out at CBEC.

Cardinal 2017-9

This Cardinal has found a Praying Mantis.

Brown Thrasher 2017-9

Brown Thrasher 2017-8

This Brown Thrasher has a very large bug I don’t recognize.