I tried Patuxent South yesterday, and it was almost a complete bust. Very few birds and not much variety, but a Common Merganser saved the day.
Today I went back to Blackwater where I knew I’d find some good birds and it turned out OK. DeCoursey Bridge is just a few miles from Blackwater, and people have seen Eagles fishing there, so I took a look. No Eagles, but the Pelicans were a very nice surprise.
It was funny to see this Turkey Vulture on a Tree Swallow nest box.
This pair of Killdeer are mating at Blackwater.
A good 25 or so Great Blue Herons flew over Blackwater.
Red Winged Blackbirds are displaying everywhere.
Hundreds of Snow Geese are still in the area.
Northern Shovelers are still very common.
Hooded Mergansers spook very easily.
This seemed to be the only Northern Pintail at Blackwater.
American Coots always seem a little boring to me.
I found these domestic Geese on the way to Blackwater.
I saw many Bald Eagles today.
This Cooper’s Hawk flew off when he saw me.
These Canada Geese were at Patuxent,.
This is the first Common Merganser I’ve seen at Patuxent.
There were about 100 American White Pelicans at the bridge.
oh those are magnificent! Love this post!