It’s been very slow for a few days, so I decided to try Blackwater despite the very windy forecast. It was as windy as any day I’ve been out, and I actually had trouble holding the lens in the strongest gusts. The soaring birds seemed to like it, though, and there were plenty of birds in flight.
I also found Ring Necks and Gadwalls, which I don’t often see at Blackwater.
This Chickadee was at CBEC yesterday.
I found this Great Blue Heron at CBEC yesterday.
This Bald Eagle is carrying a fish.
There’s always a few Buffleheads.
I seldom see Ring Necked Ducks at Blackwater.
An adult and a juvenile Tundra Swan.
This appears to be a flock of Dunlin.
A thousand or more Snow Geese are still wintering at Blackwater.
This Gadwall was at Jonas Green Park.
A flock of 6-8 Greater Yellowlegs were foraging in the marsh.
nice, Hugh!
Thanks. It was a good day.
Fabulous! Thank you, Hugh 🙂