I made the long trek to Bombay Hook this morning so I’d be sure of finding some worthwhile birds. It’s a difficult time of year-not quite migration and not Winter.
Bombay Hook always pays off to some degree. The Avocets are always welcome, as are the Teal. I did see some nice raptors, but too distant for good images.
A worthwhile trip.

Several Killdeer were in the road when I arrived.

Northern Pintails are also very numerous.

Many Gadwall were in the shallowest part of the marsh.

Only a few Buffleheads were in residence.

Mallards were well represented.

A large flock of Snow Geese flew overhead.

This Bald Eagle was trimming his nest.

Northern Shovelers are probably the most numerous duck.

I saw more Green Winged Teals than I did last time.

A large flock of American Avocets was feeding in the marsh.

I found this Fox as I was leaving.