Tricolored Herons at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

Ebird has a deal going where you make 20 visits to the same place in a month and you win some kind of prize, so I’m going for it. August can be a slow month, so at least this gives me a plan for the next week or so. CBEC has been steadily improving, so it may work out well.

There were many Egrets today, but the stars were the two Tricolored Herons, who finally gave me a chance to get a decent shot. I expect we’ll be seeing a few warblers before the month is out.

I stopped at Kent Narrows, also, but the place was overrun with fishermen.

Ebird checklist



CBEC Dawn.

Forster's Tern 2019-32

Forster's Tern 2019-33

The Forster’s Terns were fishing well within camera range today.

Great Egret 2019-121 Great Egret 2019-120 Great Egret 2019-118

Great Egret 2019-123

Many Great Egrets were fishing in Lake Knapp this morning.

Great Blue Heron 2019-25

Only a few Great Blue Herons were present.

Snowy Egret 2019-108

Snowy Egret 2019-109

Snowy Egrets were well represented.

Eastern Kingbird 2019-10

In the last several years I’ve noticed that Eastern Kingbirds seem to form small groups before migrating.

Tricolored Heron 2019-6

Tricolored Heron 2019-4

I finally got a good look at this Tricolored Heron.

Great Egret 2019-119