I drove right past Sandy Point this morning, as there was no visible light on the horizon.
Kent Narrows was the same, but there were a couple of birds fishing who allowed me to get some portraits.
From there I went to CBEC. There was no interesting sunrise color there, either. but 3 Tricolored Herons flew in while I was there. Many Geese and many Egrets were a nice sight.
I ran into three separate Turkey families, and learned a little more about their behavior.
If I were a better photographer, I would have seen the possibilities of the background colors.
So, Turkeys forage in trees and they like to take dust baths! This is an interesting hobby.
I saw two Chickadees this morning.
These Canada Geese seem to be having a restful morning.
Three Tricolored Herons flew in at dawn, and there wasn’t enough light to get a good shot.
This Great Blue Heron was fishing at Kent Narrows also.
I’ve seen this Black Crowned Night Heron at Kent Narrows several times.