The love affair with CBEC continues. The Tricolored Heron flew in as I was walking nearby, otherwise I might have missed it. Terrible light for a photo, but a rare bird.
Otherwise, it was a usual kind of day with Ospreys learning to fly, Egrets fishing in the lake and Red Headed Woodpeckers loudly calling.
I made a brief stop at Greenbury Point on the way back. I did hear a Yellow Billed Cuckoo, but there wasn’t much else interesting.

Dawn at Kent Narrows.

Looking across the lake.

Osprey nest at dawn.

If you arrive at dawn, you may find some Wild Turkeys.

There’s at least two small groups of Wild Turkeys at CBEC.

The Great Crested Flycatchers at CBEC have always been hard to photograph.

I caught this Chipping Sparrow as he took off.

These first year Ospreys will be flying very soon.

Occasionally, a Crow will pose for you.

I don’t often see a Red Headed Woodpecker in a live tree.

This is a female Red Winged Blackbird.

I’ve heard there are Pine Warblers at CBEC, but I seldom see them.

A few Great Egrets have been visiting.

Hopefully, this Tricolored Heron will pose in better light next time.

This Fox greeted me at dawn.