Hot, humid weather has continued. Any day that includes a life bird is likely to be a good day. The YT Warbler has eluded me for years, so even a poor image will do.
I’ve been spending most of my time at CBEC because it’s open early and has a good variety of birds. The warbler was most unexpected, and other birds have been appearing, so it’s been a worthwhile journey.
I’ll include several days worth of images here, as I’m a bit behind on posting.

I’ve been stopping at Kent Narrows to check out the dawn horizon.

A family of 4 Red Headed Woodpeckers is nesting near the boat racks.

This Red Winged Blackbird is grooming her feathers.

The owners tell me there are several Turkey families at CBEC.

There’s at least 4 Green Herons foraging at CBEC.

4 Canada Geese seem to be spending the Summer at CBEC.

Only a few Snowy Egrets have been apearing.

This is only the second Orchard Oriole I’ve seen at CBEC.

A single Great Egret flew over the lake.

2 Osprey chicks have successfully fledged.

Several Eastern Kingbirds are busy feeding in the treetops.

It’s a poor image, but my first look at a Yellow Throated Warbler.

This Fox and I rounded the corner simultaneously.

An original scarecrow protects the garden.