Birds to the left of me, birds to the right…

There was a definite Winter chill this morning, and it presages the arrival of the Winter seabirds. It was in the high 40s when I left the house (Wishing I had bought those gloves) and it got warmer rapidly as I arrived at Possum Point. I have high hopes for Possum Point in a few weeks, but it was pretty dead this morning. I left for The Nature Center after 45 minutes or so, and quickly ran into several flocks of small birds migrating through our area. An ideal situation on a near perfect day. It’s nice to be me sometimes.


Sunrise at Possum Point.

Great Blue Heron

This Great Blue Heron was right at the end of the point at dawn.

Canada Goose

Flocks of Canada Geese are frequently seen flying over the bay at this time of year.

Red Bellied Woodpecker

This Red Bellied Woodpecker announced her presence loudly.

Blue Headed Vireo

Blue Headed Vireo

This Blue Headed Vireo should be heading for Central America soon.

Palm  Warbler

Palm  Warbler

Palm  Warbler

Palm Warbles are often seen foraging on the ground.

Eastern Phoebe

I still can’t pass up an Eastern Phoebe.
From Cornelll:
“The Eastern Phoebe is a plump songbird with a medium-length tail. It appears large-headed for a bird of its size. The head often appears flat on top, but phoebes sometimes raise the feathers up into a peak. Like most small flycatchers, they have short, thin bills used for catching insects.”

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Golden Crowned Kinglet

This Golden Crowned Kinglet is a first for me.

Field Sparrow

I think this is a Field Sparrow.

White Crowned Sparrow

White Throated Sparrow

White Throated Sparrows are showing up everywhere.

House Finch

House Finches are almost always present in large numbers.

Yellow Rumped Warbler

I took so many photos so rapidly today that I didn’t even know I had a Yellow Rumped Warbler.



Many Bluebirds are present in the fields.

Carolina Wren

This Carolina Wren was singing loudly.

White Crowned Sparrow

White Crowned Sparrows are appearing everywhere I go.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

My fellow birders are reporting Ruby Crowned Kinglets all over Maryland.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

This Ruby Crowned Kinglet thought he was a Hummingbird, as he repeatedly hovered beneath this leaf, trying to glean the insects on it.


I was surprised to see this deer out in the daytime.

One thought on “Birds to the left of me, birds to the right…

  1. Greats photos Hugh. I often saw many of these birds during my backyard birding days, but never knew the names or could not find them in my bird books. I love your hobby!!

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