Yellow Rumped Flickers at Terrapin Nature Park

Another perfect birding day, with mining temps in the 50s and quickly warming to the 60s. Skies were fairly clear and the winds were light, ‘though it got windy later.
I ran into large flocks of Yellow Rumped Warblers immediately, and the Flicker flocks were omnipresent. A good day, all in all.

Large flocks of Red Winged Blackbirds live near the marsh ponds.

This is a juvenile White Crowned Sparrow. It’s my understanding they aren’t common in our area.

Yellow Rumped Warbler

Yellow Rumped Warbler

Yellow Rumped Warbler

Yellow Rumped Warbler

In case you were wondering about the name.

Yellow Rumped Warbler

This Yellow Rumped Warbler was one of many, travelling in small flocks that I saw all morning. This is a low light shot, taken at 7:33 AM.
f6.3 1/200 ISO 500

The Magnolia Warbler is among the most handsome of warblers.

Flocks of Cedar Waxwings can be seen often in the park.

Eastern Phoebes are quite common in the park, but it’s hard to pass up a bird who poses so willingly.

Flickers spook easily, so it’s nice to get this close to one.

This White Throated Sparrow has probably just arrived from his breeding grounds in Canada, and may spend the Winter here.

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