With promising weather, I decided to try to change my luck this morning, and returned to Governor Bridge. It looks quite different, with many of the leaves fallen, and the bird population has changed also. Bald Eagles were soaring overhead, and some birds were easier to find with better visibility.
I even found a few bugs.
There must be a story behind this bear abandoned near one of the ponds.
There was a pair of Bald Eagles soaring over the park.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Cedar Waxwings.
This Robin was eating berries as fast as he could.
This Brown Thrasher couldn’t have landed much closer.
Rusty Blackbird
This is only the second Rusty Blackbird I’ve seen.
If it’s quiet, you can hear Chickadees everywhere in the park.
This lovely Bluebird posed in a nice place.
I don’t often see the red “Crown” on a Ruby Crowned Kinglet.
This Song Sparrow was foraging near the lake.
There aren’t many Dragonflies left at this time of year.