Broad Winged Hawk at Governor Bridge Natural Area

Although the weather was near perfect again (A few clouds), I’m a little disappointed in the lack of migrating birds. Still, I got a few good images, and was amazed at the numbers of Red Eyed Vireos busily feeding alongside the Gnatcatchers.
The Broad Winged Hawk showed up just as I was leaving, and is a first for me.

Broad Winged Hawk

Broad Winged Hawk

This Broad Winged Hawk was being pursued by a pair of diminutive Barn Swallows.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbirds will be migrating very soon, and I'll have to find another bird to harass.

Ruby Throated Hummingbirds will be migrating very soon, and I’ll have to find another bird to harass.

Hummingbird Clearwing

A distant look might confuse a Hummingbird Clearwing with a hummingbird.

American Redstart  (Female)

American Redstart  (Female)

Although they breed here, this American Redstart (Female) may be a migrant.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Blue Gray Gnatcatchers were everywhere in the park.

Red Eyed Vireo

Red Eyed Vireo

Red Eyed Vireo

Red Eyed Vireo

That’s a very tasting looking meal this Red Eyed Vireo has captured.

Blue Grosbeak

I appreciated the nice pose offered by this female Blue Grosbeak.

Eastern Towhee

I’ve seen a lot of Eastern Towhees. but very few females.

Indigo Bunting.

Indigo Bunting.

The “Scrap of sky with wings” known as the Indigo Bunting.will be leaving us soon.

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