Cedar Waxwing at Wooton Wetlands preserve.

Between rain and work I’ve had a couple of slow days. I did get a few images, but nothing worthy of my fans.
Today I went early to Wooton in order to beat the heat and humidity. I found a few good birds in bad light, and a rare (For Me) Raccoon.


Grackles aren’t a favorite, but I liked this pose.


This Catbird must have been bathing.




I don’t see many Raccoons, especially in the daytime.

Carolina Wren

It’s been a while since I’ve photographed a Carolina Wren.

White Eyed Vireo

White Eyed Vireo

White Eyed Vireos are often very secretive, so I was glad to find this guy.

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing

A small flock of Cedar Waxwings was feeding on these cherries.

Green Heron

This Green Heron and a pal were hanging out in a dead tree

Belted Kingfisher

This Belted Kingfisher is an example of a good bird in bad light.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Blue Gray Gnatcatchers were abundant today.

Orchard Oriole

It was tough to get a good look at this Orchard Oriole.

One thought on “Cedar Waxwing at Wooton Wetlands preserve.

  1. Re: Raccoon–Careful! They don’tcome out in daytime unless rabid? True?
    Pretty ORchard Oriole…J

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