Yellow Breasted Chat at Wooton Wetlands Preserve.

With bad weather and work, it’s been three days since I got a decent chance to go out. I did manage a trip to Liberty Reservoir yesterday, but it was a bummer-I don’t know the place well and didn’t see much at all.
I went back to old reliable Wooton this morning and redeemed myself a bit.

Zebra Swallowtail

I’ve only seen a few of these colorful Zebra Swallowtails.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

This Ruby Throated Hummingbird is still hanging out at the same plant.

White Eyed Vireo

White Eyed Vireo

There are many White Eyed Vireos at Wooton, and they respond quickly to the Ibird App. This seems to be a controversial technique, but with so many songs being sung, I don’t see how one more could make a difference.

Yellow Breasted Chat

Yellow Breasted Chat

Yellow Breasted Chat

This Yellow Breasted Chat landed right in front of me as I was waiting for the hummingbird.

2 thoughts on “Yellow Breasted Chat at Wooton Wetlands Preserve.

  1. Nice Chat and White-eyed Vireo. Sorry about Liberty. I agree to stick to places known to us and Wooten is one really great spot.

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