Disappearing Loon at Thomas Point State Park

The weatherman predicted rain for most of the day, so I goofed off for several hours this morning until I realized it was bright, sunny and warm. I packed up my gear and headed out to Thomas Point, where I found a Common Loon and a molting Grebe. A stop at Quiet Waters and Truxtun Park didn’t turn up much, and I got home in the early afternoon.

Horned Grebe

Horned Grebe

Horned Grebe

Horned Grebe

Horned Grebe This Horned Grebe is molting for the breeding season.

Common Loon

Common Loon

Common Loon

This Common Loon was a few feet offshore and posed nicely. He dove shortly afterward and I never saw him again despite great visibility. They’ve done that before and I still don’t know how they do it.

Long Tailed Duck

This Long Tailed Duck was paddling about slowly and didn’t seem to have a care in the world.

Surf Scoter

Surf Scoters are still present in small numbers.


Buffleheads are still common.

Turkey Vulture

This tree was occupied by several Turkey Vultures



This Mallard appeared to be curious about me.

Lesser  Scaup

The Lesser Scaup is also known as the “Bluebill.”