Bald Eagle Fishing at Sandy Point State Park

The day promised perfect Winter weather, with a morning temperature in the high 30s, quickly warming to the 50s. The sky was a litrtle cloudy. but there was enough Sun for decent lightingh, so I headed back to Thomas Point State Park looking for ducks and other waterfowl. After some moderate success I drove to Quiet Waters in search of same, but the pickings were slim to nil. Sandy Point was my next destination, and I had much more success.
I headed for one of the lesser known trails in search of a Wild Turkey I had been told about, but found a Bald Eagle and a few more water birds instead.

Here’s a look at the raft of Scaup and Buffleheads off the point.

Bufflehead (Female)

Bufflehead (Female)



This Bufflehead was part of a medium sized raft of Buffleheads and Scaup.

Black Backed Seagull

This Black Backed Seagull did a fly by.

Long Tailed Duck

There were only a few Long Tailed Ducks in the flock.

Lesser  Scaup (Female)

Lesser  Scaup

These appear to be male Lesser Scaup in breeding plumage.

Great Blue Heron

A Great Blue Heron was resting in one of the coves at Quiet Waters.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

When I first saw this Bald Eagle, he was heading out over the bay to do some fishing.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

He (or She) returned before long with what appears to be a rather large fish.

Canada Goose

Canada Goose

Canada Goose

These Canada Geese flew right in front of me.


I don’t often get this close to a wild bird, even a Mockingbird.